6.2 Custom Device Module (CDM) Functions

CDMs are the driver components associated with storage devices. These program modules are supplied by third-party developers, and they implement the functionality to build device-specific commands from I/O messages received from the Media Manager. CDMs are loaded as NLM applications.

For consistency in referring to these entry points and routines within the text and in code examples, this guide gives each a generic name with a CDM prefix. Whenever an entry point or function with this prefix (CDM) is encountered, it indicates that the routine is CDM-specific.

Functional descriptions are also include for the interface functions that a CDM is required to implement. These functions are identified in the text by a CDM prefix. In general, these functions are expected to succeed with a return value of zero. However, CDM_Abort_CDMMessage, CDM_Unload_Check, and CDM_Execute_CDMMessage give return values based on certain conditions. These conditions and their respective return values are specified.

This section provides prototypes for the following entry points and routines: