
The CDM's entry for receiving aborts on messages it has queued.

Thread Context:Non-Blocking


    LONG CDM_Abort_CDMMessage (
       LONG abortParameter


(IN) NWPA passes the value of this parameter, which is the parameter specified as an input argument to CDI_Queue_Message. The CDM decides the value of this parameter, which can be anything it needs to complete the abort. Typically, this parameter is a handle to the original CDM message that initiated the request. To avoid memory problems, this parameter should not be a memory pointer.

Return Values

The following table lists return values and descriptions.






CDM_Abort_CDMMessage is the CDM's entry point for receiving requests to abort messages in its process queue. This function, and its input parameter, become visible to NWPA during CDI_Queue_Message. The CDM is required to provide CDM_Abort_CDMMessage. CDMs that support devices, such as tape devices, that require multiple HACB requests to execute a command fall into this category. For such devices, CDM_Abort_Message must provide the means not only to remove pending HACB requests from a queue, it must be able to abort HACB requests already sent to the HAM by calling CDI_Abort_HACB.