Planning the Technical Aspects of Identity Manager Implementation

Replicating the Objects that Identity Manager Needs on the Server

As part of your planning, you need to make sure that certain eDirectory objects are replicated on servers where you want to run DirXML drivers.

You can use filtered replicas, as long as all of the objects and attributes that the driver needs to read or synchronize are included in the filtered replica.

Keep in mind that you must give the DirXML Driver object sufficient eDirectory rights to any objects it is to synchronize, either by explicitly granting it rights or by making the Driver object security equivalent to an object that has the desired rights.

An eDirectory server that is running a DirXML driver (or that the driver refers to, if you are using Remote Loader) must hold a master or read-write replica of the following:

Managing Users on Different Servers Using Scope Filtering

Scope filtering means adding rules to each driver to limit the scope of the driver's actions to specific containers. The following are two situations in which you would need to use scope filtering:

Here's an example of how scope filtering is used.

The following illustration shows a tree with three containers that hold users: Marketing, Finance, and Development. It also shows an Identity Manager container that holds the driver sets. Each of these containers is a separate partition.

Example tree for scope filtering

In this example, the eDirectory administrator has two eDirectory servers, Server A and Server B, shown in the next illustration. Neither server contains a copy of all the users. Each server contains two of the three partitions, so the scope of what the servers hold is overlapping.

The administrator wants all the users in the tree to be synchronized by the GroupWise driver, but does not want to aggregate replicas of the users onto a single server. He chooses instead to use two instances of the GroupWise driver, one on each server. He installs Identity Manager and sets up the GroupWise driver on each eDirectory server.

Server A holds replicas of the Marketing and Finance containers. Also on the server is a replica of the Identity Management container, which holds the Driver Set for Server A and the GroupWise Driver object for Server A.

Server B holds replicas of the Development and Finance containers, and the Identity Management container holding the Driver Set for Server B and the GroupWise Driver object for Server B.

Because Server A and Server B both hold a replica of the Finance container, both servers hold the user JBassad, who is in the Finance container. Without scope filtering, both GroupWise Driver A and GroupWise Driver B would synchronize JBassad.

Two servers with overlapping replicas, without scope filtering

The next illustration shows that scope filtering prevents the two instances of the driver from managing the same user, because it defines which drivers synchronize each container.

Scope filtering defines which drivers synchronize each container

Here is a sample of how you would create a rule for scope filtering. You would place the rule in the Subscriber Event Transformation style sheet.

<xsl:transform 	version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" 

To select different containers for scoping, add/delete/modify the <value>
elements in the body of the variable "in-scope-containers-rtf"

Note that if the container is not in the root of the tree, then the DN
(minus the tree name) of the container must be specified, e.g.,


<xsl:variable name="in-scope-containers-rtf">
<xsl:variable name="in-scope-containers" select="document('')/xsl:transform/xsl:variable[@name='in-scope-containers-rtf']/value"/>

"identity" transformation - copies unchanged everything not explicitly
matched by other templates

<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

<!-- throw away events that are out of scope -->

<xsl:template match="input/*[@src-dn]">
<xsl:variable name="in-scope">
<xsl:call-template name="in-scope"/>
<xsl:when test="$in-scope = '1'">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
<status level="warning">Operation vetoed by Event Transformation
Rule - out of scope</status>

check to see if an object is in the scope defined by the variable

<xsl:template name="in-scope">
<!-- validate that the container is in scope -->
<xsl:variable name="src-dn" select="substring-after(substring-after(@src-dn,'\'),'\')"/>
<xsl:variable name="src-dn-i" select="jstring:lastIndexOf($src-dn,'\')"/>
<xsl:if test="$src-dn-i != -1">
<xsl:variable name="src-dn-container" select="jstring:substring($src-dn, 0, $src-dn-i)"/>

the following test takes advantage of the XPath existential
quantification semantics:
basically, if one node in the node-set has a string value that matches
the string, then the statement is true

<xsl:if test="jstring:toUpperCase($src-dn-container) = $in-scope-containers">
<xsl:value-of select="'1'"/>