Installing the Driver

You can install the driver at the same time that Identity Manager is installed. See "Installation" in the Novell Nsure Identity Manager 2 Administration Guide.You can also install the driver separately after Identity Manager is installed.

Installing on Windows

  1. Locate the SOAP driver download at

    Use the Keyword search to locate the driver.

  2. Follow the on-screen download instructions.

  3. Double-click soapinstall.exe.

  4. Follow the installation wizard to install the components on your systems.

  5. Click Finish to close the installation program.

After installation you must set up the driver as explained in Creating a Driver Object Using a Driver Configuration File.

Installing on Linux, Solaris, or AIX

  1. To launch the installation program for your platform, type one of the following commands at the command prompt:

    Platform Command



    HINT:   /soapinstall_linux.bin -i console launches the installation program in text mode.





  2. Follow the installation wizard to install the components on your systems.

    To return to a previous page, type previous, then press Enter.

    To continue, press Enter.

  3. Click Finish to close the installation program.

After installation, you must set up the driver as explained in Creating a Driver Object Using a Driver Configuration File.