9.6 Calendar and Tasks Settings

The calendar configuration tool has four pages:

9.6.1 General

The General page lets you set the following options:

Time Zone: The city you're located in, to specify your time zone.

Show additional time zones: Sets an additional time zone. You can view an additional time scale in the calendar view. It displays the time corresponding to the local time zone you have set.

Time Format: Choose between twelve-hour (AM/PM) and twenty-four-hour time formats.

Week Starts: Select the day to display as the first in each week.

Day Begins: For Evolution, a normal work day begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. You can select your preferred hours to make sure that all your events are displayed properly.

Day Ends: Sets the end of a normal workday.

Alerts: If you want to be warned before you delete any appointment, or to have a reminder automatically appear for each event, select the options here.

9.6.2 Display

The Display page lets you choose how your appointments and tasks appear in your calendar.

Time Divisions: Sets the time increments shown as fine lines on the daily view in the calendar.

Show appointment end times in week and month views: If there is space, Evolution shows the end times in the week and month views for each appointment.

Compress weekends in month view: Select this option to display weekends in one box instead of two in the month view.

Show week numbers in date navigator: Shows the week numbers next to the respective weeks in the calendar.

Tasks due today: Select the color for tasks due today.

Overdue tasks: Select the color for overdue tasks.

Hide completed tasks after: Select this option to have completed tasks hidden after a period of time measured in days, hours, or minutes. If you don't select this option, completed tasks remain in your task list, marked as complete.

9.6.3 Alarms

Select the Calendars for Alarm Notification: Select the calendars for which you want an alarm notification. If you don't select the calendar, you will not have an alarm notification for any event in this calendar.

9.6.4 Free/Busy

Allows you to specify a template to use while posting your Free/Buy information to a server.

9.6.5 Calendar Publishing

Publishing: Allows you to select a URL to post your calendar information to. When you add a URL, you can specify the publishing location, the frequency of publishing, which calendar to publish, and who to authenticate as.