Junk Mail Handling

Junk mail handling for GroupWise accounts is a little different then other junk mail handling. When you mark an item as junk mail in GroupWise, the item is added to your junk list in the GroupWise system. Because these settings are on the GroupWise system, your junk list follows you from computer to computer.

Marking a Message As Junk Mail

  1. Select the message to mark as junk, then click the Junk icon.

    The message is moved to your Junk Mail folder and the user is added to your junk list.

Marking a Message As Not Junk Mail

  1. Select the message to mark as not junk in your Junk Mail folder.

  2. Right-click the message, then click Mark as Not Junk.

    The message is moved to your Mailbox folder and the name is removed from your junk list.

Enabling or Disabling Your Junk Mail List

  1. Right-click a message, then click Junk Mail Settings.

  2. Select if you want to enable or disable junk mail handling.

  3. Click OK.

Adding an E-Mail Address to Your Junk List

  1. Right-click a message, then click Junk Mail Settings.

  2. Type the e-mail address to block in the Email field.

  3. Click Add, then click OK.

Removing an E-Mail Address from Your Junk List

  1. Right-click a message, then click Junk Mail Settings.

  2. Select the e-mail address to remove, then click Remove.

  3. Click OK.