Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Interface NamingContextData

public interface NamingContextData

Represents a NamingContext of the NameService.

Method Summary
 void addBinding(NameComponent nc, Object obj, boolean isContext, boolean isGroup, boolean isRebind)
          Create a new Binding.
 BindingData getBindingData(NameComponent nc)
          Get a binding with the given name.
 byte[] getObjectId()
          Get the object Id for this NamingContext object.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Is the NamingContext empty.
 Binding[] listBindings()
          Get the list of bindings.
 BindingData removeBinding(NameComponent nc)
          Remove the binding with the given name.

Method Detail


public BindingData getBindingData(NameComponent nc)
Get a binding with the given name.


public void addBinding(NameComponent nc,
                       Object obj,
                       boolean isContext,
                       boolean isGroup,
                       boolean isRebind)
                throws AlreadyBound,
Create a new Binding. If isContext is true, then bind the given object as a NamingContext. If isGroup is true, then multiple bindings with the same name are allowed. If isRebind is true, then rebinding a new object with the given name is allowed.

AlreadyBound - thrown if a binding with the given name already exists and isGroup and isRebind is false.


public BindingData removeBinding(NameComponent nc)
Remove the binding with the given name.


public Binding[] listBindings()
Get the list of bindings.


public boolean isEmpty()
Is the NamingContext empty.


public byte[] getObjectId()
Get the object Id for this NamingContext object.

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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