Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Interface CustomMarshal

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CustomMarshal

An abstract value type that is meant to be used by the ORB, not the user. Semantically it is treated as a custom valuetype's implicit base class, although the custom valutype does not actually inherit it in IDL. The implementer of a custom value type shall provide an implementation of the CustomMarshal operations. The manner in which this is done is specified in the IDL to Java langague mapping. Each custom marshaled value type shall have its own implementation.

See Also:
DataOutputStream, DataInputStream

Method Summary
 void marshal(DataOutputStream os)
          Marshal method has to be implemented by the Customized Marshal class This is the method invoked for Marshalling.
 void unmarshal(DataInputStream is)
          Unmarshal method has to be implemented by the Customized Marshal class This is the method invoked for Unmarshalling.

Method Detail


public void marshal(DataOutputStream os)
Marshal method has to be implemented by the Customized Marshal class This is the method invoked for Marshalling.

os - a DataOutputStream


public void unmarshal(DataInputStream is)
Unmarshal method has to be implemented by the Customized Marshal class This is the method invoked for Unmarshalling.

is - a DataInputStream

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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