Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

Interface Synchronization

All Superinterfaces:
IDLEntity, Object, Serializable, SynchronizationOperations, TransactionalObject, TransactionalObjectOperations
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Synchronization
extends Object, IDLEntity, SynchronizationOperations, TransactionalObject

The Transaction Service provides a synchronization protocol, which enables an object with transient state data that relies on an XOpen XA conformant Resource Manager for ensuring that data is made persistent to be notified before the start of the two-phase commitment protocol, and after its completion.

Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CosTransactions.SynchronizationOperations
after_completion, before_completion

Novell exteNd Messaging Platform 5.1

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