Novell exteNd Director 5.2 API |
Interface Summary | |
EbiBlockingInteractionResponse | This interface is for blocking interaction response. |
EbiConsumerRegistry | This is basic Consumer Registry Interface. |
EbiInteractionParams | This interface is for interaction parameters. |
EbiMarkupContext | This interface is for markup context. |
EbiMarkupParams | This is an interface for markup parameters. |
EbiMarkupResponse | This interface is for markup response. |
EbiNovellPortletModel | This interface represents a portlet model that provides JSR168 portlet information in addition to the Novell extension information. |
EbiPortletAppAttribute | Interface that represents several of the attributes in the portlet application deployment descriptors. |
EbiPortletAppModel | Interface to represent the portlet application. |
EbiPortletAppSecurityConstraint | Represents a applicaiton security constraint specified in the deployment descriptor. |
EbiPortletAppUserDataConstraint | Interface to represent a user data constraint. |
EbiPortletConstants | This class contains constants for the Novell Portlet implementation. |
EbiPortletConsumerContainer | This is the Portlet Consumer Container Interface. |
EbiPortletConsumerRegistry | This is the Portlet Consumer Registry Interface. |
EbiPortletContainer | This is the Base Portlet Container Interface. |
EbiPortletContainerLocal | This is the Local Portlet Container Interface. |
EbiPortletContext | The PortletContext interface extends from javax.portlet.PortletContext
(jsr168) to provides access the underlying ServletContext |
EbiPortletEntity | The PortletEntity interface provides identifiers to identify a
specific portlet instance. |
EbiPortletInfoManager | This is the Portlet Information Manager Interface. |
EbiPortletInitParam | Represents a portlet intialization parameter specified in the descriptor. |
EbiPortletModel | The EbiPortletModel interface provides information from a portlet
(or a component) deployment descriptor. |
EbiPortletModelAutoRegistration | This interface represents the auto registration information for a portlet. |
EbiPortletPreference | Interface to represent a single portlet preference. |
EbiPortletPreferenceBoolean | Interface representing an Boolean type of EbiPortletPreference. |
EbiPortletPreferenceComplex | Interface representing an Complex type of EbiPortletPreference. |
EbiPortletPreferenceInfo | This interface is for portlet preference info used by potlet producer. |
EbiPortletPreferenceInteger | Interface representing an Integer type of EbiPortletPreference. |
EbiPortletPreferenceInteger.Range | Inner interface representing a Range for the integer preferenece. |
EbiPortletPreferenceLocalized | Interface to represent a single localized portlet preference. |
EbiPortletPreferencePassword | Interface representing an Password type of EbiPortletPreference. |
EbiPortletPreferences | Interface that represents a collection of preferences that can be expressed as XML. |
EbiPortletPreferencesDefaultType | Interace used to represent a collection of preferences that are related to a portlet's deployment. |
EbiPortletPreferenceSelect | Interface representing a Select type of EbiPortletPreference. |
EbiPortletPreferenceSelect.AllowableValue | Interface for a value object for sets of value/displayValue pairs for an option. |
EbiPortletPreferencesInstanceType | Interace used to represent a collection of preferences that are related to a single portlet instance. |
EbiPortletPreferencesUserType | Interace used to represent a collection of preferences that are related to a user portlet instance. |
EbiPortletPreferencesWritable | Interface to represent a preferences object that is witable. |
EbiPortletProducerInfo | This interface is for portlet producer info used by portlet consumer registry. |
EbiPortletRegistration | The EbiPortletRegistration interface provides Portlet ID assigned
by a portlet registration, and has access to EbiPortletModel interface
for the portlet deployment descriptor. |
EbiPortletSecurityRoleRef | Inteface to represent the security portlet security information in the deployment descriptor. |
EbiPortletSettings | Represents a set of well known settings that can affect the way that the container deals with a portlet. |
EbiPortletStyle | Represents a style (xsl stylesheet to be applied) to the portlet's XML output used to render the portlet. |
EbiPortletUserAgent | Interface to represent the a device profile in a portlet style. |
EbiRuntimeContext | This is an interface for runtime context. |
EbiUploadContext | This interface is for upload context. |
Provides interfaces that define the Portlet 1.0 API's for the Director product. There are several distinct groups of interfaces defined here:
and manipulating the container's representation of
portlets such EbiPortletContainer
, EbiPortletConsumerContainer
and thier subclasses as well as the
which gives provides runtime access, persistence and caching of porltet preferences
at all levels (User, Registtration, Page Assignment, Default/Descriptor).
Novell exteNd Director 5.2 API |