JNDI 1.2

Serialized Form

Package javax.naming

Class javax.naming.AuthenticationException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.BinaryRefAddr implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


byte[] buf
Contains the bytes of the address. This field is initialized by the constructor and returned using getAddressBytes() and getAddressContents().

Class javax.naming.Binding implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Object boundObj
Contains this binding's object. It is initialized by the constuctor and can be updated using setObject.
See Also:
Binding.getObject(), Binding.setObject(java.lang.Object)

Class javax.naming.CannotProceedException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Name altName
Contains the name of the resolved object, relative to the context altNameCtx. It is a composite name. If null, then no name is specified. See the javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance method for details on how this is used.

This field is initialized to null. It should not be manipulated directly: it should be accessed and updated using getAltName() and setAltName().

See Also:
CannotProceedException.getAltName(), CannotProceedException.setAltName(javax.naming.Name), CannotProceedException.altNameCtx, ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable)


Context altNameCtx
Contains the context relative to which altName is specified. If null, then the default initial context is implied. See the javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance method for details on how this is used.

This field is initialized to null. It should not be manipulated directly: it should be accessed and updated using getAltNameCtx() and setAltNameCtx().

See Also:
CannotProceedException.getAltNameCtx(), CannotProceedException.setAltNameCtx(javax.naming.Context), CannotProceedException.altName, ObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable)


Hashtable environment
Contains the environment relevant for the Context or DirContext method that cannot proceed.

This field is initialized to null. It should not be manipulated directly: it should be accessed and updated using getEnvironment() and setEnvironment().

See Also:
CannotProceedException.getEnvironment(), CannotProceedException.setEnvironment(java.util.Hashtable)


Name remainingNewName
Contains the remaining unresolved part of the second "name" argument to Context.rename(). This information necessary for continuing the Context.rename() operation.

This field is initialized to null. It should not be manipulated directly: it should be accessed and updated using getRemainingName() and setRemainingName().

See Also:
CannotProceedException.getRemainingNewName(), CannotProceedException.setRemainingNewName(javax.naming.Name)

Class javax.naming.CommunicationException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.CompositeName implements Serializable

Serialization Methods


private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
                 throws IOException,
Overriden to avoid implementation dependency.


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
                  throws IOException
Overriden to avoid implementation dependency.
Serial Data:
The number of components (an int) followed by the individual components (each a String).

Class javax.naming.CompoundName implements Serializable

Serialization Methods


private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
                 throws IOException,
Overriden to avoid implementation dependency.


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
                  throws IOException
Overriden to avoid implementation dependency.
Serial Data:
The syntax Properties, followed by the number of components (an int), and the individual components (each a String).

Class javax.naming.ConfigurationException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.InsufficientResourcesException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.InterruptedNamingException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.InvalidNameException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.LimitExceededException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.LinkException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


String linkExplanation
Contains the exception of why resolution of the link failed. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
LinkException.getLinkExplanation(), LinkException.setLinkExplanation(java.lang.String)


Name linkRemainingName
Contains the remaining link name that has not been resolved yet. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
LinkException.getLinkRemainingName(), LinkException.setLinkRemainingName(javax.naming.Name)


Name linkResolvedName
Contains the part of the link that has been successfully resolved. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
LinkException.getLinkResolvedName(), LinkException.setLinkResolvedName(javax.naming.Name)


Object linkResolvedObj
Contains the object to which resolution of the part of the link was successful. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
LinkException.getLinkResolvedObj(), LinkException.setLinkResolvedObj(java.lang.Object)

Class javax.naming.LinkLoopException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.LinkRef implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.MalformedLinkException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NameClassPair implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


String className
Contains the class name contained in this NameClassPair. It is initialized by the constructor and can be updated using setClassName().
See Also:
NameClassPair.getClassName(), NameClassPair.setClassName(java.lang.String)


boolean isRel
Records whether the name of this NameClassPair is relative to the target context. It is initialized by the constructor and can be updated using setRelative().
See Also:
NameClassPair.isRelative(), NameClassPair.setRelative(boolean), NameClassPair.getName(), NameClassPair.setName(java.lang.String)


String name
Contains the name of this NameClassPair. It is initialized by the constructor and can be updated using setName().
See Also:
NameClassPair.getName(), NameClassPair.setName(java.lang.String)

Class javax.naming.NameNotFoundException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NamingException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Name remainingName
Contains the remaining name that has not been resolved yet. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get, set, "append" methods.
See Also:
NamingException.getRemainingName(), NamingException.setRemainingName(javax.naming.Name), NamingException.appendRemainingName(javax.naming.Name), NamingException.appendRemainingComponent(java.lang.String)


Name resolvedName
Contains the part of the name that has been successfully resolved. It is a composite name and can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
NamingException.getResolvedName(), NamingException.setResolvedName(javax.naming.Name)


Object resolvedObj
Contains the object to which resolution of the part of the name was successful. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
NamingException.getResolvedObj(), NamingException.setResolvedObj(java.lang.Object)


Throwable rootException
Contains the original exception that caused this NamingException to be thrown. This field is set if there is additional information that that could be obtained from the original exception, or if there original exception could not be mapped to a subclass of NamingException. Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors. You should access and manipulate this field through its get and set methods.
See Also:
NamingException.getRootCause(), NamingException.setRootCause(java.lang.Throwable)

Class javax.naming.NamingSecurityException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NoInitialContextException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NoPermissionException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.NotContextException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.PartialResultException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.RefAddr implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


String addrType
Contains the type of this address.

Class javax.naming.Reference implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Vector addrs
Contains the adddresses contained in this Reference. Initialized by constructor.


String classFactory
Contains the name of the factory class for creating an instance of the object to which this Reference refers. Initialized to null.


String classFactoryLocation
Contains the location of the factory class. Initialized to null.


String className
Contains the fully-qualified name of the class of the object to which this Reference refers.
See Also:

Class javax.naming.ReferralException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.StringRefAddr implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


String contents
Contains the contents of this address. Can be null.

Class javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException implements Serializable

Package javax.naming.directory

Class javax.naming.directory.AttributeInUseException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.AttributeModificationException implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


ModificationItem[] unexecs
Contains the possibly null list of unexecuted modifications.

Class javax.naming.directory.BasicAttribute implements Serializable

Serialization Methods


private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
                 throws IOException,
Overriden to avoid exposing implementation details.


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
                  throws IOException
Overriden to avoid exposing implementation details
Serial Data:
Default field (the attribute ID -- a String), followed by the number of values (an int), and the individual values.
Serialized Fields


String attrID
Holds the attribute's id. It is initialized by the public constructor and cannot be null unless methods in Attribute that use attrID have been overridden.


boolean ordered
A flag for recording whether this attribute's values are ordered.

Class javax.naming.directory.BasicAttributes implements Serializable

Serialization Methods


private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
                 throws IOException,
Overriden to avoid exposing implementation details.


private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
                  throws IOException
Overriden to avoid exposing implementation details.
Serial Data:
Default field (ignoreCase flag -- a boolean), followed by the number of attributes in the set (an int), and then the individual Attribute objects.
Serialized Fields


boolean ignoreCase
Indicates whether case of attribute ids is ignored.

Class javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributeIdentifierException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributesException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.InvalidAttributeValueException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchControlsException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.ModificationItem implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Attribute attr
Contains the attribute identifying the attribute and/or its value to be applied for the modification.


int mod_op
Contains an integer identify the modification to be performed.

Class javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.directory.SearchControls implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


String[] attributesToReturn
Contains the list of attributes to be returned in SearchResult for each matching entry of search. null indicates that all attributes are to be returned.


long countLimit
Contains the maximum number of SearchResults to return.


boolean derefLink
Indicates whether JNDI links are dereferenced during search.


boolean returnObj
Indicates whether object is returned in SearchResult.


int searchScope
Contains the scope with which to apply the search. One of ONELEVE_SCOPE, OBJECT_SCOPE, or SUBTREE_SCOPE.


int timeLimit
Contains the milliseconds to wait before returning from search.

Class javax.naming.directory.SearchResult implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Attributes attrs
Contains the attributes returned with the object.

Package javax.naming.event

Class javax.naming.event.NamingEvent implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Object changeInfo
Contains information about the change that generated this event.


Binding newBinding
Contains information about the object after the change.


Binding oldBinding
Contains information about the object before the change.


int type
Contains the type of this event.
See Also:

Class javax.naming.event.NamingExceptionEvent implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


NamingException exception
Contains the exception that was thrown

Package javax.naming.ldap

Class javax.naming.ldap.LdapReferralException implements Serializable

Class javax.naming.ldap.UnsolicitedNotificationEvent implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


UnsolicitedNotification notice
The notification that caused this event to be fired.

Package javax.naming.spi

Class javax.naming.spi.ResolveResult implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Name remainingName
Field containing the remaining name yet to be resolved. It can be null only when constructed using a subclass. Constructors should always initialize this.


Object resolvedObj
Field containing the Object that was resolved to successfully. It can be null only when constructed using a subclass. Constructors should always initialize this.

JNDI 1.2

For more information on JNDI, please see http://java.sun.com/products/jndi