14.4 /vashare Allocation and Creation

/vashare Planning Tips and Caveats

  • Monitor and clean up the /vashare/filr/cachefilestore area as needed.

    Cached files are automatically deleted on an appliance restart when they exceed 10 GB in size.

  • Windows NFS services are not supported.

  • The NFS or CIFS server should be on or near the same subnet as the Filr deployment. Filr is not latency tolerant.

  • When exporting the remote NFS directory, you must specify the rw and no_root_squash export options.

  • To secure NFS server access, as you specify the export options for the exported directory, make sure to create a DNS entry for each Filr appliance that needs access.

    Otherwise, any NFS client on the network will be able to mount the exported directory.

/vashare Sizing

The allocation for /vashare is calculated in “Worksheet 25 - Storage Planning Summary” based on information you entered previously as explained in Table 14-4.

Table 14-4 Filr Appliance Sizing Guidelines


Recommendations and Guidelines

Planning Worksheet Example

  • /vashare

You must create an external NFS of CIFS share for this. It must be large enough to accommodate the following:

  • The total Personal Storage allocation

  • HTML renderings

    If the system contains more than 10 GB of user-generated HTML renderings, they are discarded the next time a Filr appliance restarts.

    For more information about HTML renderings, see HTML Renderings

  • Three times the size of all files that users upload simultaneously to Personal Storage.

  • Two times the size of all files that users upload simultaneously to Net Folders.

The worksheet calculates this as follows:

  1. It automatically includes the amount allocated for Personal Storage in Worksheet 11.

  2. It assumes that up to 15 GB of user-generated HTML renderings might be accumulated before one of the Filr appliances in the cluster is restarted.

  3. It multiplies the amount specified for simultaneous uploading to Personal Storage by 3 (Worksheet 11).

  4. It multiples the amount specified for simultaneous uploading to Home Folders by 2 (Worksheet 10).

  5. It multiples the amount specified for simultaneous uploading to Net Folders by 2 (Worksheet 9).