2.3 LDAP

2.3.1 Resource Representations


   "register": boolean,
   "sync_profiles": boolean,
   "sync_membership": boolean,
   "delete_removed_groups": boolean  


   "type": string ("custom_net_folder", "home_dir_attribute", "custom_attribute" or "none"),
   "net_folder_server": LongIdLinkPair Resource,
   "path": string,
   "ldap_attribute": string


   "base_dn": string,
   "filter": string,
   "search_subtree": boolean,
   "home_dir_config": LdapHomeDirConfig Resource


   "added_users": [ string ],
   "modified_users": [ string ],
   "deleted_users": [ string ],
   "disabled_users": [ string ],
   "added_groups": [ string ],
   "modified_groups": [ string ],
   "deleted_groups": [ string ]   


   "id": string,
   "url": string,
   "username_attribute": string,
   "guid_attribute": string,
   "attribute_map": [
      KeyValuePair Resource
   "user_contexts": [
      LdapSearchInfo Resource
   "group_contexts": [
      LdapSearchInfo Resource
   "username": string,
   "password": string


   "users": UserSynchronization Resource,
   "groups": GroupSynchronization Resource,
   "schedule": Schedule Resource


   "register": boolean,
   "sync_profiles": boolean,
   "remove_account_action: string ("disable" or "delete"),
   "delete_workspace": boolean,
   "default_timezone": string,
   "default_locale": string

2.3.2 List

To list all LDAP user sources, use the “user_sources” related link (href: "/admin/user_sources") from the root admin resource (href: "/admin"):

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources


2.3.3 Create

To create a new LDAP user source, POST an LdapUserSource object to the “user_sources” related link (href: "/admin/user_sources") from the root admin resource (href: "/admin"):

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources \
  -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"url":"ldap://intlab79.lab.novell.com:389","username_attribute":"cn","guid_attribute":"GUID",
...(Full LdapUserSource object)

2.3.4 Delete

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources/09c1c3fb518cf1a001518d01a2b70014 -X DELETE

[Empty Response] 

2.3.5 Sync Config

Get Settings

To get the LDAP Sync Config settings, use the user_source_sync_config related link (href: “/admin/user_sources/sync_config") from the root admin resource (href: "/admin"):

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources/sync_config


Modify Settings

To modify the LDAP Sync Config settings, PUT a UserSourceSynchronization object to the user_source_sync_config related link (href: “/admin/user_sources/sync_config") from the root admin resource (href: "/admin").  Only the attributes that are specified in the request body are updated.

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources/sync_config \
  -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"schedule":{"enabled":true}}' 

...(Full UserSourceSynchronization object)

2.3.6 Sync

To sync all LDAP user sources, make a POST request to the "user_sources_sync" related link (href: "/admin/user_sources/sync") from the root admin resource (href: "/admin"):

> curl -k -u admin:novell https://amethyst.provo.novell.com:8443/rest/admin/user_sources/sync -X POST
