16.4 Downloading and Running the Web Configuration Utility

Before you can run the GroupWise Web image, you must run the web-config utility to create five files that have the GroupWise, POA, DVA, and certificate configuration of your GroupWise system. There are two options to download and run the web-config utility:

IMPORTANT:If you make changes to your GroupWise POAs or DVAs after running this utility, you need to rerun the web-config utility to generate new files and stop and start your GroupWise Web container.

New in 18.4 - Your GroupWise Admin Service must pass certificate verification in order for the web-config utility to run. For information on certificate verification, see Securing GroupWise Web using Certificate Verification.

New in 18.5 - Beginning in this version, DVA Certificate verification is enabled by default and checked when running the web-config utility container and the GroupWise Web container. For information, see Using DVA Certificate Verification.

16.4.1 Option 1 - Using the Docker Image

To download and run the web-config utility using Docker:

  • Run the following command to download the web-config Docker image on your Docker server:

    docker pull mfgroupwise/web-config

  • Run the following command to create the configuration files specifying in the Web-Config location where you want to place the configuration files and filling out the information about your GroupWise system:

    docker run -it -v <Web-Config Location>:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=<GroupWise Admin Service Username>@<GroupWise Primary Domain>:<GroupWise Admin Service Port> -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT=<GroupWise POA with SOAP> mfgroupwise/web-config

    Example command:

    docker run -it -v /opt/novell/gw:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=admin@ -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT= mfgroupwise/web-config

  • If you want to disable DVA verification when running the command to create the configuration files, follow the example below:

    Example command disabling DVA verification:

    docker run -it -v /opt/novell/gw:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=admin@ -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT= -e GWDVA_SSL_VERIFY=off mfgroupwise/web-config

16.4.2 Option 2 - Using the Micro Focus Download

When running the commands below:

  • Download the <gw.version>-xxx-web-config_docker.tar.gz from the GroupWise download site on your docker server.

  • Run the following command to load the docker image (make sure to replace the xxx in the file name):

    docker load -i <gw.version>-xxx-web-config_docker.tar.gz

  • Run the following command to view a list of your docker images. Make sure the web-config image is in the list:

    docker image list
  • Run the following command to create the files specifying in the Web-Config location where you want to place the configuration files and filling out the information about your GroupWise system:

    docker run -it -v <Web-Config Location>:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=<GroupWise Admin Service Username>@<GroupWise Primary Domain>:<GroupWise Admin Service Port> -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT=<GroupWise POA with SOAP> mfgroupwise/web-config:<gw.version>-xxx

    Example command:

    docker run -it -v /opt/novell/gw:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=admin@ -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT= mfgroupwise/web-config:<gw.version>-111

    IMPORTANT:If the GroupWise Admin Service user name you are using is configured with Multi-Factor Authentication, you need to have the user registered with a UI-less method so they can enter their password when prompted as password&ui-lessauthmethod.

  • If you want to disable DVA verification when running the command to create the configuration files, follow the example below:

    Example command disabling DVA verification:

    docker run -it -v /opt/novell/gw:/config -e GWADMIN_SERVICE=admin@ -e GWSOAP_HOST_DEFAULT= -e GWDVA_SSL_VERIFY=off mfgroupwise/web-config:<gw.version>-111