These sections contain more information about working with categories.
To create a new category:
Click Actions > Categories > More to display the Edit Categories dialog box.
Type the category name in the New Category field at the bottom of the Edit Categories dialog box.
Click Add.
The Add button becomes active when you begin typing a category name.
To assign a color to a category, select the category name in the list, and then select the text and background colors.
Click OK to save the new category.
HINT:You can also select an item before creating the new category, and then immediately assign the new category to the selected item.
To rename a category:
Click Actions > Categories > More to display the Edit Categories dialog box.
Select the category name, and then click Rename.
Type the new name, and then click OK.
The category is renamed in the list, and for all the items to which it was assigned.
To find items by category in a folder:
In the upper-right corner of any folder, click the Find drop down Categories, and then click the category name.
All items that have been assigned this category are displayed.
To clear this selection, click the X in the Find field.
To sort items by category:
Add a Category column to the folder Item List, as described in Adding a Column.
Click the Category column to sort the Item List by category.
To delete a category:
Click Actions > Categories > More to display the Edit Categories dialog box.
Select the category name, and then click Delete.
Click Yes, and then click OK.
The category is removed from the list, and from all the items to which it was assigned.
To edit category colors in and item list:
Click Actions > Categories > More to display the Edit Categories dialog box.
Select or deselect Use colors in the Item List.
Click OK.
If you deselect Use colors in the Item List, the category color still display next to the item icon and in the category column.