1.5 Operational Considerations (RFC Section 5)

1.5.1 Mailbox Naming (RFC Section 5.1)

Full compliance.

IMAP mailboxes are known in GroupWise as folders. For example, the IMAP INBOX mailbox maps to the GroupWise Mailbox folder. Prior to GroupWise 6.5 SP1, GroupWise listed the predefined Mailbox folder as Inbox. For SP1 and later versions, the Mailbox folder is now designated as INBOX (in accordance with the RFC).

The GroupWise IMAP agents prevent renaming GroupWise predefined folders (such as Cabinet and Calendar). These GroupWise predefined folders are returned using the language of the IMAP agent or Post Office (in the LIST or LSUB command response).

Mailbox Hierarchy Naming (RFC Section 5.1.1)

Full compliance.

The GroupWise hierarchy separator character is "/".

Mailbox Namespace Naming Convention (RFC Section 5.1.2)

Full compliance.

Mailbox International Naming Convention (RFC Section 5.1.3)

Full compliance.

1.5.2 Mailbox Size and Message Status Updates (RFC Section 5.2)

The GroupWise IMAP agents do not send unsolicited mailbox size or message status updates. Commands that return the mailbox size and the message status flags (such as FETCH FLAGS, STATUS, SELECT, and NOOP) do so appropriately.

The NOOP command indicates message EXPUNGES or FLAGS command updates in the server response.

1.5.3 Response When No Command In Progress (RFC Section 5.3)

The GroupWise IMAP agents do not send responses when no command is in progress.

1.5.4 Auto Logout Timer (RFC Section 5.4)

Full compliance.

The GroupWise IMAP agents automatically logout a connection that has no activity in the last 30 minutes. (This same 30-minute inactivity period is also enforced on all GroupWise client connections.)