13.0 Document Management Services Problems

Suggested solutions are provided for the following problems:

Documents Are Not Listed in User’s Folder

Problem: A user creates or imports a document in the GroupWise Windows client. The document does not appear in the folder where the user expects to find it.
Action: On the GroupWise client toolbar, click Show Personal Items. Documents are considered personal items and are not listed when personal items are filtered out.

User Can’t Exit GroupWise Because a Document Isn’t Closed

Problem: A user edits a document in a non-integrated application. The user has exited the application. However, when the user tries to exit the GroupWise Windows client, the client indicates that a document is still open or has not been returned to the GroupWise library.
Action: Click Yes in the error dialog box to let GroupWise attempt to return the document to the GroupWise library.
Action: Locate the open document and make sure it is closed properly. Look in the Work in Progress folder for open documents.

GroupWise Can’t Monitor a Non-Integrated Application

Problem: The user edits a document and the GroupWise Windows client indicates the application cannot be monitored. Therefore, the user must return the document to the GroupWise library manually.
Explanation: The manner in which the GroupWise client monitors applications can be modified using settings in the gwappint.inf file. This file contains information about integrating applications and monitoring non-integrated applications that are started from the GroupWise client. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.
Possible Cause: Some applications, such as WordPerfect 7.0 and Lotus Word Pro 96, are integrated through ODMA. Other applications, such as Microsoft Word 7.0 and Excel 7.0, are integrated through application macros. If an integrated application is not set up correctly, it is handled as a non-integrated application.

Normally, Setup detects if an application is installed and then allows the user to choose whether or not to have integrations installed for that application. If the application setup didn’t run correctly, the GroupWise client might not detect that the integration installed. If necessary, integrations can be installed manually.

Action: For ODMA applications, the gwappint.inf file needs to contain an Integrations=2 entry for the application. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

In addition, the following DLL programs are copied to the c:\windows\system directory when Setup is run: odma32.dll, gwodm132.dll, and gwodm1xx.dll. The name of the gwodm1xx.dll depends on which language was selected when Setup was run.

Action: For applications that use an integration macro, the gwappint.inf file needs to contains an Integrations=1 entry for the application. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

There should also be an integration macro installed in the application’s macro startup directory.

Possible Cause: For non-integrated applications, the GroupWise client attempts to monitor when an application terminates so open documents can be returned to the GroupWise library automatically. If the GroupWise client wasn’t able to determine the information needed to monitor the application termination, the user is instructed to return documents manually.
Action: Return documents manually. Save and exit each document. In the GroupWise client, right-click each document reference, then click Actions > Reset Document Status.
Possible Cause: Some applications do not start quickly enough for the GroupWise client to detect that they have started.
Action: You can change the amount of time the GroupWise client allows for the application to start using the WaitInterval setting.
Action: If problems persists, you can turn off the message for the application. Use ShowMessage=0in the gwappint.inf file to turn off the message. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.
Action: See the comments in the gwappint.inf file for more information.

User Wants to Turn Off Integrations Temporarily

Problem: The user wants to turn off application integrations so the GroupWise Windows client no longer performs document management functions when the application is used. However, the user wants to be able to turn integrations back on easily.
Action: You can turn off integration for all integrated applications. From the Tools menu in the GroupWise Windows client, click Options > Documents, then deselect Enable Integration with Other Applications. This turns off all integrations. You cannot turn off integration for an individual application and leave other applications integrated.

Administrator Wants to Remove Integrations Permanently

Problem: The administrator wants to permanently turn off one or more application integrations so the GroupWise Windows client no longer performs document management functions.
Action: Have users rerun GroupWise client Setup and deselect integrated applications so they are no longer integrated when the client software is updated. Then the macro must be removed from the startup directories for Microsoft Word or Excel as described below.
Action: The administrator can edit the gwappint.inf file to remove the integration information. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.
  • Integrations=2: If an application has the setting Integrations=2 for an ODMA-compliant application, you can change to Integrations=0 for no integration.

  • Integrations=1: If an application has the setting Integrations=1, indicating it is integrated using a startup macro, you must change to Integrations=0 for no integration and delete the startup macro. For example, to remove integration for Word, you need to delete the gwnormxx.dot macro from the Word startup directory. For Excel, you need to delete the gwxl97.xla macro from the xlstart directory and reset the Excel toolbars.

Administrator Wants to Add a Custom Integration

Problem: The administrator wants to integrate a new application with the GroupWise Windows client.
Explanation: Integrations are set up using the gwappint.inf file. This file contains information about integrating applications started from the GroupWise client. It can be edited using an ASCII or ANSI text editor. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.
Action: To integrate a new application, create a new section in the gwappint.inf file by surrounding the name of the program with square brackets. For example, [WPWIN.EXE]. Use the following options to define the integration:
  • Integrations=2: If the application is ODMA-compliant, specify Integrations=2.

  • Integrations=1: If the application has its own macro language and you want to write a startup macro, use Integrations=1, followed by AppKey=application_name. Use the application to create the startup macro and place the startup macro in the application’s startup directory.

  • DualExe: For some applications, the name of the file containing the actual application is different from what you type to start the application. For example, to start WordPerfect 6.1, you type wpwin, but the WordPerfect 6.1 program is actually contained in a file named wpwin61.exe. For such applications, you use the name of the program that starts the application as the section heading. For example, [WPWIN.EXE]. Then you use DualExe to specify the name of the file that actually contains the application. For example, dualexe=wpwin61.exe. You would need to consult the application documentation or its installation directory to determine the file name to use with DualExe.

For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

Administrator Wants to Distribute Standardized Integrations

Problem: You have created a custom integration between a new application and the GroupWise Windows client. You want all GroupWise users to have access to this new integration.
Action: You can distribute copies of the updated gwappint.inf file to all GroupWise users. For information about the gwappint.inf file, see Setting Up Integrations Using the gwappint.inf File in Libraries and Documents in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

This file is not replaced when Setup is run; therefore, customizations are preserved through updates.