C.1 Linux Operating System Commands

This section lists Linux commands that can help you manage your GroupWise system on Linux. It also helps you create a Linux core file if you need Support assistance with the Linux GroupWise agents.

C.1.1 Basic Commands

The following basic commands are available on Linux:



man command

Displays information about any Linux command, including the commands used to start GroupWise programs.


Displays who you are logged in as.

uname -a

Displays the kernel version, along with other useful information

C.1.2 File and Directory Commands

The following file and directory commands are available on Linux:




Displays your current directory (“print working directory”).

ls -l

Lists the files in the current directory, along with useful information about them.

ls -al

Includes hidden system files (those whose names start with a dot) in the list.

more file_name

Pages through the contents of a file (forward only).

less file_name

Pages through the contents of a file and lets you page back up through the file.

tail file_name

Displays the last 10 lines of a file. This is helpful for log files. (The head commands displays the first 10 lines.)

cp source destination

Copies a file or directory.

mv source destination

Moves or renames a file or directory.

find starting_directory -name file_name

Find the specified file, starting in the specified directory. Specifying / starts the find operation in the root directory.

grep string file

Searches the specified file for the specific string of characters. This is useful for locating specific information in GroupWise agent startup files.

mkdir directory_name

Creates a new directory.

rmdir directory_name

Deletes an empty directory.

rm file_name

Deletes a file.

rm -r directory_name

Deletes a directory and recursively deletes its contents.

cat file_name

Displays a file.

cat file_name /printer_device

Prints a file.

C.1.3 Process Commands

The following process commands are available on Linux:




Lists all processes, sorted by CPU percentage with the highest at the top of the list.

ps -eaf | grep program

Lists all processes and their IDs associated with the specified program. Wildcard characters can be used to list a group of related programs (for example, gw*).

ps -aux | grep user_name

Lists all processes and their IDs associated with the specified user.

kill process_ID

Stops the specified process like a normal exit.

kill -9 process_ID

Stops the specified process after it has failed to exit normally. Temporary files are not cleaned up.

killall program

Kills all processes associated with the specified program.


Closes the window that you click on with the resulting box-shaped cursor.

C.1.4 Disk Usage Commands

The following disk usage commands are available on Linux:




Lists file system disk space usage in terms that make sense to your computer.

df -h

Lists file system disk space usage in terms that make sense to humans.


Lists disk space usage of each subdirectory below your current working directory

du -s

Lists the cumulative disk space usage of your current working directory.

du -s file_or_directory

Lists the disk space usage for a file or the cumulative disk space usage for a directory and its contents.

C.1.5 Package Commands

The following package commands are available on Linux:



rpm -qa | grep novell

Lists all Novell packages installed on your server

rpm -qi package_name

Lists useful information about an installed package, such as name, version, release date, install date, size description, build date, and so on.

rpm -ql package_name

Lists where each file in the package has been installed

rpm -e package_name

Uninstalls a package

C.1.6 File System Commands

The following file system commands are available on Linux:




Lists the file systems that are currently mounted on your server.

ncpmount -S fully_qualified_hostname 
         -V volume_name -A ip_address 
         -U fully_qualified_admin_user 

Mounts a Linux filesystem to a Linux server.

mount -t smbfs 
   -o username=windows_administrator

Mounts a Windows server or Samba share as a file system on your Linux server.

C.1.7 Network Commands

The following network commands are available on Linux:



ifconfig -a

Lists the IP address and other detailed information about the NIC in your Linux server.


Displays the hostname of your server.


Displays host information about your server

netstat -lnp | grep program netstat -lnp | egrep ‘program|program|...'

Lists the port numbers in use by one or more programs. It is also a handy command for checking to see whether the specified programs are currently running.

ping ip_address_or_hostname

Checks to see if the specified server is responding on the network.

C.1.8 Linux Core File

A core file is an image of a process such as a GroupWise agent that is created by the Linux operating system when the agent terminates unexpectedly. A proper core file can help Novell Support determine why a GroupWise agent is having problems in your GroupWise system. See TID 3447847, How to Obtain a GroupWise Agent Core File on Linux, in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.