2.1 Mobility Server Requirements

This section contains information about hardware and operating system requirements.

2.1.1 Hardware Requirements

GroupWise hardware requirements include the following:

  • x86-64 processor

  • 2.8 GHz multi-processor system with a 4-Core CPU recommended

  • Static IP address

  • Adequate server memory depending on the number of devices supported by the Mobility server

    • 8 GB RAM to support approximately 300 devices

    • 12 GB RAM to support up to the maximum of 750 users with up to 1000 devices

  • 45 MB of disk space for the Mobility Service software

  • 200 GB of disk space recommended for data storage during system operation

    Data storage disk space varies widely depending on the amount of data being synchronized, the number of devices participating in synchronization, the logging level for Mobility Service log files, and other variables specific to your Mobility system implementation.

    The largest consumers of disk space are the Mobility database (/var/lib/pgsql) and Mobility Service log files (/var/log/datasync). You might want to configure the Mobility server so that /var is on a separate partition to allow for convenient expansion.

    Another large consumer of disk space is attachment storage in the /var/lib/datasync/mobility/attachments directory.

2.1.2 Operating System Requirements

Mobility is supported on SLES 15 SP4 or later. Make sure your server meets the server configuration requirements and the requirements for the version of SLES you are using.

NOTE:Mobility is not supported on OES.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP4 or Later Requirements

SLES 15 SP4 or later requires the following SLES modules/extension before you can install Mobility:

  • Base system Module 15 (included with registration)

  • Server Applications Module (included with registration)

  • Desktop Applications Module (provides GNOME desktop)

  • Python 3 Module (version 3.11)

  • SUSE Package Hub

The easiest way to add modules and extensions is during the SLES 15 SP4 or later install. For more information on modules and extensions, see SUSE documentation, Modules and Extensions Quick Start.

Server Configuration Requirements

GroupWise base server requirements include the following:

  • Dedicated Server Required: You should install GroupWise Mobility on its own server (virtual or physical) separate from other applications, including GroupWise.

  • File System Recommendation: OpenText recommends EXT4 as the GMS server’s File System, which requires a manual change to the SLES installation defaults.

  • No Proxy Server with GMS: Using a proxy server causes problems with the Mobility connection to the GroupWise server.

  • Registration Required or RMT Configured: To receive the packages necessary to install Mobility, your SLES server must be registered or you must have a SLES Repository Mirroring Tool configured to provide them to the SLES server.

    NOTE:An RMT is required to use the air gap option during the installation.

  • DNS Required: Your Mobility server must be DNS resolvable.

  • Time Synchronization Required: For the most reliable synchronization of time-sensitive items, such as appointments, the Mobility server and GroupWise servers should have their time synchronized as closely as possible. This is especially important on virtual machines.

    In order for you to log in to the Mobility Admin console, your workstation and the Mobility server should have their time synchronized.