
Returns the list of events that are accumulating in the user's account.




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String. Uniquely identifies the event configuration in a user's database. It is up to the application to control the uniqueness of the application key. GroupWise Web Services Events uses any key that it is passed. If two applications or two instances of an application pass the same key, GroupWise Web Services Events maps both to one event configuration structure in the user’s database.


Provides the starting date for the list of events to be returned.


Provides the ending date for the list of events to be returned.


Specifies how many events to return. If not specified, all events are returned. We recommend providing a count of 250 or less.


Specifies whether to remove the event. True (1) indicates to remove the event from the database upon a successful response to getEventsRequest.


Specifies whether the application wants to be notified the next time the event it is tracking occurs. The notification process (POA) maintains a list of all applications that want to be notified when that event occurs. Every time an application receives an event notification, it is removed from the notification list. To be placed on the notification list again, an application must send getEventsRequest with the notify element set to True (1). The IP address and port must be in the event definition to be added to the notification list.


Identifies a GroupWise event that has occurred for a user, as defined in EventType in events.xsd.


Identifies the item, as defined in types.xsd.


Specifies the date and time that the GroupWise event occurred.


Specifies the location in the GroupWise account where the event occurred.


Specifies whether getEventsRequest was successful.


Provides the error number related to the event. 0 means that the request was successful.


Specifies the elements that are returned for each item. The view reduces the amount of data returned. If a view is not specified, all elements are returned.


After a successful call to configureEventsRequest, events are created in user's database.

The from and until date elements can be used to return a subset of events, based on dates. The from element can be used by itself to return all events greater than the specified time. Another way to return a subset of events is to provide the UID for a specific event and provide a count. A list of events is returned, starting at the UID for the count specified.

Applications should emove events as soon as possible. One way to remove events is to set the remove element to True in getEventsRequest. After the events are returned, the events are purged from the user's store.



Following is a sample response to getEventsRequest:
