Using SNMP Monitoring Programs

You can monitor the MTA from the Management and Monitoring component of Novell ZENworks® for Servers, ManageWise®, or another SNMP management and monitoring program. When properly configured, the MTA sends SNMP traps to network management consoles for display along with other SNMP monitored programs.

Although the MTA is SNMP-enabled by default, the server where the MTA is installed must be properly configured to support SNMP, and the MTA object in eDirectory must be properly configured as well. To set up SNMP services for your server, complete the following tasks:

Setting Up SNMP Services for the MTA

Select the instructions for the platform where the MTA runs:

Setting Up SNMP Services for the NetWare MTA

The NetWare MTA supports SNMP through the SNMP services loaded on the NetWare server. SNMP services are provided through the SNMP NLM. The SNMP NLM initiates and responds to requests for monitoring information and generates trap messages.

If the SNMP NLM is not loaded before the NetWare MTA, the MTA still loads and functions normally, but SNMP support is disabled. The MTA does not attempt to auto-load snmp.nlm.

To load the SNMP NLM manually:

  1. Go to the console of each NetWare server where you want to implement SNMP services.

    These servers should already have the GroupWise agents installed.

  2. Type the command to load the SNMP NLM:

    load snmp v control=x monitor=y trap=z

    where v represents Verbose, meaning to display informational messages, and x, y and z are replaced with your system SNMP community strings for SNMP SETs, GETs and TRAPs).

    load snmp v control=private monitor=public trap=all

    The configuration for the SNMP NLM is found in snmp.cfg and traptarg.cfg in the sys:\etc directory. View the contents of these files for more information.

    The TCP/IP NLM automatically loads snmp.nlm, using default values for the community strings. If your system uses different community string values, load snmp.nlm before tcpip.nlm.

  3. If the SNMP NLM is already loaded, you can add the control and trap parameters by typing the following at the console prompt:

    snmp control= trap=

    To automatically load these commands, include them in the autoexec.ncf file.

    For more information about implementing SNMP services, see your NetWare documentation.

  4. Skip to Copying and Compiling the MTA MIB File.

Setting Up SNMP Services for the Linux MTA

The Linux MTA is compatible with NET-SNMP. An older version of SNMP called UCD-SNMP cannot be used with the Linux MTA. NET-SNMP comes standard with the versions of Red Hat Linux supported for GroupWise 6.5 for Linux, but it does not come standard with the supported versions of SUSE Linux. If you are using SUSE Linux, you must update to NET-SNMP in order to use SNMP to monitor the Linux MTA.

  1. Make sure you are logged in as root.

  2. If NET-SNMP is not already set up on your Linux server, use the following command to configure SNMP:

    snmpconf -g basic_setup

    The snmpconf command creates the snmpd.conf file in one of the following directories, depending on your version of Linux:


  3. Locate the snmpd.conf file on your Linux server.

  4. In a text editor, open the snmpd.conf file and add the following line:

    dlmod Gwsnmp /opt/novell/gw/agents/lib/

  5. Save the snmpd.conf file and exit the text editor.

  6. Restart the SNMP daemon (snmpd) to put the changes into effect.

  7. Skip to Copying and Compiling the MTA MIB File.

Setting Up SNMP Services for the Windows MTA

SNMP support is provided for up to eight Windows MTAs on the same Windows server. Upon startup, each instance of the MTA is dynamically assigned a row in its SNMP table. View the contents of the MTA MIB for a description of the SNMP variables in the table.

To set up SNMP services for the Windows MTA, complete the following tasks:

Installing Windows SNMP Support

For Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 and for Windows 2000, the SNMP service is usually not included during the initial operating system installation. The SNMP service can be easily added at any time. To add or configure the SNMP service, you must be logged in as a member of the Administrator group.

To add the SNMP service to a Windows NT server:

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Network.

  2. For Windows NT 4.0, click Services > Add, then select SNMP Service.


    For Windows NT 3.51, click Add Software, select TCP/IP Protocol and Related Components, then select SNMP Service.

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts. You will need your original Windows NT disk.

    You are given the opportunity to configure the SNMP service. The only required information for GroupWise is the Trap Destination and Community Name.

  4. After the installation is complete, reboot the server.

    For more information about configuring the SNMP service, see your Windows NT documentation.

To add the SNMP service to a Windows 2000 server:

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.

  3. Select Management and Monitoring Tools.

  4. Click Details, then select Simple Network Management Protocol.

Continue with Installing GroupWise Agent SNMP Support.

Installing GroupWise Agent SNMP Support

The GroupWise Agent Installation program includes an option for installing SNMP support. However, if the server where you installed the agents did not yet have SNMP set up, that installation option was not available. Now that you have set up SNMP, you can install GroupWise agent SNMP support.

At the Windows server where you want to install the GroupWise agent SNMP support:

  1. Run setup.exe at the root of the GroupWise 6.5 Administrator CD, then click Install Products > GroupWise Agents > Install GroupWise Agents.


    Run install.exe from the agents subdirectory on the GroupWise 6.5 Administrator CD or in your software distribution directory if you have updated it with the latest GroupWise software.

  2. In the Installation Path dialog box, browse to and select the path where the agent software is installed, then select Install and Configure SNMP for GroupWise Agents.

  3. To shorten the install time, deselect Install GroupWise Agent Software.

  4. Continue through the rest of the installation process as prompted by the Agent Installation program.

    The Agent Installation program copies the SNMP support files to the agent installation directory, makes the appropriate Windows registry entries, and restarts the Windows SNMP service.

  5. Continue with Copying and Compiling the MTA MIB File.

Copying and Compiling the MTA MIB File

An SNMP-enabled MTA returns information contained in a Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB is an ASCII data structure that defines the information gathered. It also defines the properties that can be monitored and managed on the SNMP-enabled MTA.

Before you can monitor an SNMP-enabled MTA, you must compile the gwmta.mib file using your SNMP management program. For NetWare or Windows, the GroupWise MIBs are located on the GroupWise 6.5 Administrator CD in the \agents\snmp directory or in the software_distribution_directory\agents\snmp directory if you have updated it with the latest GroupWise software. For Linux, the GroupWise MIBS are located on the GroupWise 6.5 for Linux Administrator CD in the /agents/snmp directory.

  1. Copy the gwmta.mib file from the \agents\snmp directory to the location required by your SNMP management program.

    For example, ManageWise users would copy the gwmta.mib file to the \mw\nms\snmpmibs\current directory. ZENworks Server Management users can access the gwmta.mib file in the software distribution directory.

  2. Compile or import the gwmta.mib file as required by your SNMP management program.

    For example, to compile the gwmta.mib file for ZENworks Server Management:

    1. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Site Server object, then click Properties > MIB Pool.

    2. Click Modify Pool > Add.

    3. Browse to and select the gwmta.mib file, then click OK.

    4. Click Compile.

    5. Make sure that the server where the MTA is running is configured to send SNMP traps to the ZENworks Server Management Site Server.

      • On a NetWare server, add the IP address or hostname of the ZENworks Server Management Site Server to the traptarg.cfg file in the sys:\etc directory.
      • On a Windows server, add the IP address or hostname of the ZENworks Server Management Site Server to the list of trap destinations.

        From the Windows NT Control Panel, double-click Network, or, from the Windows 2000 Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools. Then click Services > SNMP Service > Properties > Traps.

    Refer to your SNMP management program documentation for further instructions.

  3. If you are using Novell ManageWise, continue with Customizing Your ManageWise Installation to Monitor the MTA.


    If you are not using ManageWise, skip to Configuring the MTA for SNMP Monitoring.

Customizing Your ManageWise Installation to Monitor the MTA

The GroupWise agent installation includes files that help ManageWise monitor the GroupWise agents more effectively.

These capabilities are available only with ManageWise, not with ZENworks Server Management.

GroupWise MIB Files

The GroupWise MIB files include the standard SNMP management information. In addition, the files include annotations that enhance the Alert functions of ManageWise.

For example, the Summary provides more detailed information than the Description does in other SNMP management programs. The ManageWise annotations are embedded in comments; therefore, they have no affect on other SNMP management programs.

GroupWise Agent Alarm Help File

When GroupWise alarms appear in ManageWise, you can double-click the alarm to display the alarm information contained in the Agent Alarm help file. To enable this feature, copy the gwalarm.hlp file from the \agents\snmp directory to the \mw\nms\help directory on your ManageWise station. This help file explains the alarms each agent might produce by giving a description, cause, and action for each alarm.

Configuring the MTA for SNMP Monitoring

In order for SNMP monitoring programs to monitor the MTA, the MTA must be configured with a network address and SNMP community string.

  1. In ConsoleOne, browse to and right-click the MTA object, then click Properties.

  2. Click GroupWise > Network Address to display the Network Address page.

  3. Click the pencil icon to provide the TCP/IP address or IPXTM/SPXTM address of the server where the MTA runs, then click Apply.

  4. Click GroupWise > Agent Settings.

  5. Provide your system SNMP community GET string, then click OK.

    ConsoleOne then notifies the POA to restart so the new settings can be put into effect.

    The MTA should now be visible to your SNMP monitoring program.