Adding Members to a Distribution List

Distribution lists can contain users, resources, groups, organizational roles, and other distribution lists.

  1. In ConsoleOne®, right-click the Distribution List object, then click Properties.

  2. Click GroupWise > Membership to display the Membership page.

    Membership property page
  3. Click Add, select the user, resource, distribution list, group, or organizational role you want to add as a member, then click OK to add the member to the list.

    If you want to add an external user that is not listed for selection, see Adding External Users to a Distribution List.

    Membership property page with the new item added

    By default, the selected member is added as a primary recipient (To: recipient).

  4. If you want to change the member's recipient type, select the member, click Participation, then click To, CC, or BC.

  5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 to add additional members.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

Distribution lists much be managed by an administrator in ConsoleOne. However, GroupWise client users can create shared address books and then create groups within those shared address books so that the groups are available to all users with whom the address book is been shared. The creator of the shared address book can give other users read only rights, or can choose to grant them additional rights for adding, editing, and deleting information. For more information about shared address books, see "Sharing an Address Book with Another User" in "Using the Address Book" in the GroupWise 6.5 Windows Client User Guide.