Using GroupWise Monitor

You can use GroupWise Monitor in various environments:

Monitor Agent Console on a Windows Server

To start the Monitor Agent on a Windows server and display the Monitor Agent console, click Start > Programs > GroupWise Monitor > GroupWise Monitor. The Monitor Agent console appears.

Monitor Agent console

At the Monitor Agent console, you can perform many activities, for example:

For more information about using the Monitor Agent console, see "Monitor" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

To stop the Monitor Agent, click Configuration > Exit or close the window where the Monitor Agent is running.

Monitor Web Console in Your Web Browser

To display similar information in your Web browser, enter the Monitor Web console URL in your Web browser:

Linux: https://network_address/gwmon/gwmonitor
Windows: https://network_address/servlet/gwmonitor

where network_address represents the IP address or DNS hostname of the server where your Web server runs. The Monitor Web console appears.

Monitor Web console

You can use this same URL to view the same agent status information in various wireless browsers and devices.

You can perform the same monitoring activities at the Monitor Web console as you can at the Monitor Agent console. Refer to the online help in the Monitor Web console for additional information about each Monitor Web console page.

For more information about using the Monitor Web console, see "Monitor" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.

Monitor Web Console on Your Palm OS Device

To access the Monitor Web console on your Palm OS device:

  1. Add the GroupWise Monitor Web Clipping Application (gwmon.pqa) to your Palm OS device.

    The gwmon.pqa file is located in the Web server's docs\com\novell\gwmonitor\palm\en directory.

  2. Open the GroupWise Monitor Application. To do so, tap the Applications icon, tap the pick-list in the upper-right corner of the screen, select Palm.Net, then tap GroupWise Monitor.

  3. Enter your login ID and password, then log in.