B30A   No peer listening for connection

Source:  GroupWise engine; Message Transfer Protocol.

Explanation:  The POA is attempting to communicate with the MTA by way of TCP/IP but the MTA is not responding.

Possible Cause:  The MTA is not running.

Action:  Start the MTA.

Possible Cause:  The server where the MTA is running is overloaded so the MTA cannot respond to the POA in a timely manner.

Action:  Check the load on the server where the MTA is running. If necessary, stop some other programs or upgrade the server so adequate resources are available for the MTA to function properly.

Possible Cause:  The MTA is not configured for TCP/IP links.

Action:  Reconfigure the MTA for TCP/IP links. See "Changing the Link Protocol between Domains" in "Message Transfer Agent" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.