12.5 GroupWise Internet Agent

The GroupWise Internet Agent includes the enhancements and new features listed below.

12.5.1 Windows 2003 Server Support (v7.0)

You can now install and run the Internet Agent on Windows 2003 Server.

12.5.2 IPV6 Support (v7.0)

Like the POA and the MTA, the Internet Agent now supports IPV6 on Linux and Windows, as described in Section 12.2.2, IPV6 Support (v7.0).

12.5.3 Internet Agent High Availability (v7.0)

Like the POA and the MTA, the Internet Agent can be configured for high availability, as described in Section 12.2.3, GroupWise High Availability Service (v7.0).

12.5.4 Internet Agent Runs as Non-root User (v7.0)

Like the POA and the MTA, the Internet Agent can run as a non-root user, as described in Section 12.2.4, Agents Run as Non-root User (v7.0 / v7.0.1).

12.5.5 Internet Agent Exclusive Bind (v7.0)

Like the POA and the MTA, the Internet Agent can be bound to a specific IP address, as described in Section 12.2.6, Agent Exclusive Bind (v7.0)

12.5.6 TCP/IP Links between the Internet Agent and the MTA (v7.0)

Previously, the Internet Agent and the MTA have communicated by using message files. For outgoing messages, the MTA placed message files in the Internet Agent’s input queue (domain\wpgate\gwia\wpcsout\0-7), where the Internet Agent picked them up and transferred them out across the Internet. For incoming messages, the Internet Agent placed message files in the MTA input queue for Internet messages (domain\wpgate\gwia\wpcsin\0-7).

To see how this message flow worked for GroupWise 6.5 and earlier versions, see Message Delivery to and from the Internet in Troubleshooting 3: Message Flow and Directory Structure.

To see how this message flow works for GroupWise 7, see Message Delivery to and from the Internet in Troubleshooting 3: Message Flow and Directory Structure.

If, for some reason, you want to use message files instead of a TCP/IP link, set the Message Transfer Port field to 0 (zero) on the Network Address page of the Internet Agent object in ConsoleOne.

12.5.7 Alternate Internet Agents (v7.0)

When you use TCP/IP links for multiple Internet Agents in your system, you can configure each domain to fail over to an alternate Internet Agent if the primary Internet Agent becomes unavailable.

For setup instructions, see Configuring an Alternate Internet Agent for a Domain in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.8 Multiple Relay Hosts (v7.0)

You can now specify multiple relay hosts, so that if the primary relay host is not available, the Internet Agent tries the next relay host in the list.

For configuration instructions, see Configuring Basic SMTP/MIME Settings in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.9 Improved Spam Identification (v7.0)

Currently, you can use the /xspam startup switch to flag messages for handling by the client Junk Mail Handling feature if they contain an x-spamflag=yes in the MIME header. In GroupWise 7, you can configure as many strings as needed to identify junk mail.

For setup instructions, see Customized Spam Identification in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.10 External Global Signatures for all Clients (v7.0.1)

For all client users, global signatures can be appended by the Internet Agent for recipients outside the local GroupWise system. The Internet Agent does not append global signatures to S/MIME-encoded messages. The Internet Agent does not duplicate global signatures already appended by the Windows client.

For more information, see Global Signatures in System in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.11 iCal Support (v7.0.1)

The Internet Agent supports iCalendar (iCal), the Internet Calendaring and Scheduling core object specification (RFC 2445), and iMIP, the iCalendar Message-based Interoperability Protocol (RFC 2447). When a GroupWise user sends an appointment to an external Internet user, the Internet agent converts the appointment into an iMIP message that can be read and accepted or declined in compatible e-mail systems such as Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes. GroupWise users can also receive and accept or decline appointments from users of these e-mail systems. Accept/decline notifications are also exchanged between systems.

For setup instructions, see Configuring Basic SMTP/MIME Settings in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.12 More Internet Agent Settings Available on the Internet Agent Object in ConsoleOne (v7.0)

The following Internet Agent startup switches now have equivalent settings on the Internet Agent property pages in ConsoleOne:

  • /flatfwd (Enable Flat-Forwarding on the SMTP/MIME Message Formatting page)

  • /imapreadlimit (Maximum Number of Items to Read on the POP3/IMAP4 Settings page)

  • /keepsendgroups (Retain Distribution Lists on Outgoing Messages on the SMTP/MIME Address Handling page)

  • /nomappriority (Disable Mapping X-Priority Fields on the SMTP/MIME Message Formatting page)

  • /nosmtpversion (Do Not Publish GroupWise Information on an Initial SMTP Connection on the SMTP/MIME settings page)

  • /popintruderdetect (Enable Intruder Detection on the POP3/IMAP4 Settings page)

  • /realmailfrom (Use GroupWise User Address as Mail From: for Rule Generated Messages on the SMTP/MIME Address Handling page)

  • /xspam (Flag Any Messages That Contain s-spam-flag:yes... on the Junk Mail page)

12.5.13 New /nosmtpversion Startup Switch (v7.0)

When contacted by another SMTP host or a telnet session, the Internet Agent responds with GroupWise version and copyright date information. To configure the Internet Agent to not disclose this information, use the /nosmtpversion startup switch in the Internet Agent startup file (gwia.cfg).

For more information, see Using Internet Agent Startup Switches in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.14 New Message Defer Interval Setting (v7.0)

You can now configure how often the Internet Agent retries to deliver deferred messages. You can provide the message defer interval setting on the SMTP/MIME Settings page of the Internet Agent object in ConsoleOne or you can use the /msgdeferinterval startup switch in the Internet Agent startup file (gwia.cfg).

For more information, see Configuring Basic SMTP/MIME Settings in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.15 Consolidated Configuration Information (v7.0.1)

Before GroupWise 7 SP1, Internet Agent configuration information was stored both in eDirectory, as properties of the Internet Agent object, and in the Internet Agent configuration file (gwia.cfg). Starting in SP1, all primary configuration settings have been consolidated into the properties of the Internet Agent object. Secondary settings are still available only through the startup file.

When you update an Internet Agent to GroupWise 7 SP1 and access the Internet Agent object in ConsoleOne, all primary configuration settings are moved from the startup file into eDirectory. ConsoleOne no longer writes configuration settings to the startup file. Switches in the startup file can be used to override the settings in ConsoleOne.

For more information about Internet Agent configuration, see Configuring the Internet Agent and Using Internet Agent Startup Switches in Internet Agent in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide.

12.5.16 External Internet Message Threading (v7.0)

Messages that arrive from an external Internet address are now threaded into discussions along with native GroupWise messages, if the sending SMTP host also supports adding References and In-Reply-to MIME header fields.