7.2 Finding Items Anywhere in Your Mailbox

Global Find (Find toolbar icon on the toolbar) provides broader search capabilities than the standard Find. When you search with Global Find, GroupWise compares the whole words in your search criteria and attempts to match them with the words in the search index. Global Find also searches message text and attachments in addition to searching on the sender, recipients, and subject line. Global Find searches all folders in your mailbox, but it does not search address books or Contacts folders.

7.2.1 Using a Global Find

  1. Click Find toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. Specify your search criteria.

    You can search for one or more of the following:

    From: Look for items sent to you by the specified person. Either type the name or click the Address Book icon to look for the name in the Address Book.

    To/CC: Look for items you have sent to the specified person. Either type the name or click the Address Book icon to look for the name in the Address Book.

    Subject: Look for items that contain the specified words in the subject line.

    Message: Look for items that contain the specified words in the message body.

    Category: Look for items that are marked Low Priority, Urgent, Follow-up, Personal, or any personal category you have created.

    Date Range: Specify the date range when the items you are looking for were created or delivered.

    You can specify multiple criteria to help you narrow your search to items that combine all of the specified criteria.

    You can use Advanced Find to make your search more specific. For example, you might want to search for messages from two or three users at once. For instructions, see Section 7.3, Using Advanced Find.

  3. Click OK to begin the search.

    The results appear in a new window.

  4. Work with the listed items as needed, then close the Find Results window.

7.2.2 Narrowing a Global Find

You can use Global Find to narrow your search.

  • In the Subject and Message fields of the Find dialog box, type the uncommon words you know are in the item. If you search using common words, the results of your search are likely too large to be very helpful.

  • If you are searching for more than one word or want to search for words in a particular field of an item (like the Subject field), click Advanced Find to set up your search. The words you type can be combined with operators to further narrow the search.

  • If you cannot find the message, check your search criteria for misspelled words. Also, check the syntax of your search to make sure you are telling Global Find to search for exactly what you want.

7.2.3 Creating and Saving a Global Find

Saving a Global Find enables you to use the same search criteria in the future without entering them again.

  1. Click Find toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. Specify your search criteria, as described in Section 7.2.1, Using a Global Find.

  3. Click Save to store your search criteria for future use.

  4. Specify a unique name for the search.

  5. (Optional) If you use these search criteria often, add them to the Find menu as well as list of saved Global Finds by selecting Put on menu.

7.2.4 Using a Saved Global Find

  1. Click Find toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find dialog box, click Open.

  3. Select the saved Global Find, then click OK.

  4. Click OK again to run the Global Find.

7.2.5 Deleting a Saved Global Find

  1. Click Find toolbar icon on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find dialog box, click Open.

  3. Select the saved Global Find, click Delete, then click OK.

  4. Click OK again to close the Find dialog box.