6.4 Uninstalling the Notes Gateway

If you need to remove the Notes Gateway from the server where you installed it, follow the instructions for the installation option you chose when installing the Notes Gateway:

6.4.1 Uninstalling the Notes Gateway As an Application

  1. At the Windows server where you installed the Notes Gateway, click Start > Programs > GroupWise Notes Gateway > Notes > Uninstall.


    Follow the steps provided in Uninstalling the Notes Gateway As a Service.

6.4.2 Uninstalling the Notes Gateway As a Service

  1. At the Windows server where you installed the Notes Gateway, click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs, select domain.gateway (Notes Gateway), then click OK.

  3. If a message informs you that some files could not be deleted, delete the domain\wpgate\notes directory.

  4. In ConsoleOne®, verify that the Notes Gateway object has been deleted from the domain.