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Managing the iChain Proxy Server

The proxy server can be configured and managed in the following two ways:

The Browser-Based Management Tool

The browser-based management tool is unlike other management utilities because its interface appears in your browser as an HTML page originating from the proxy server. The only programs running on your workstation are a Java-compatible Web browser and the Java* components required by the HTML page.

If you experience problems with the interface, such as the page freezing, you can usually solve the problem by re-clicking an icon or refreshing the page.

For more information about using the browser-based management tool, see Proxy Server Browser-Based Administration Tool.

The iChain Wizard

The iChain Wizard automates many of the tasks of setting up and configuring the iChain system. It uses an FTP interface to send a list of configuration commands to the iChain Proxy Server, which then automatically configures itself. Using the iChain Wizard to Create a Basic Configuration describes using the iChain Wizard as an alternative way to set up a basic configuration.

The Command Line

Although it is possible to configure and monitor an proxy server using only the command line interface, we strongly recommend that you use the browser-based tool for all administrative tasks whenever possible.

The browser-based tool includes extensive cross-checking, helpful messages, and other program features to ensure that the iChain Proxy Server is configured correctly for optimal performance. The command line interface does not include these features. Even the most expert users can overlook critical steps in configuring the iChain Proxy Server from the command line.

For more information about using the command line, see Command Line Reference.

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