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Combination Page from the Selected ACL Object

The seventh page of the wizard shows the combination page from the ACL object selected. Like the first page of the wizard, the user can either browse to an existing ACL rule or create a new rule in the container from which the wizard was launched. Once the ACL rule object has been selected, the other tables and lists can be populated as necessary. See Figure 62.

Figure 62
Combination Page from Selected ACL Object

The following table describes the fields on this page:

Table 28.

Field Name Description Status

Access Control Rule

Specifies the name of the ACL rule object. Type an object common name and press Enter. If the object exists, the object's data will be read in. If not, you will be prompted to create a new object.


Allowed URLs

Shows a table that specifies all URLs that this ACL rule grants access to.


Excluded URLs

Shows a table that specifies a subset of URLs in the Allowed URLs field that this ACL rule does not grant access to.


Apply To List

The users, groups, or containers that have access granted by this ACL rule.


Exception List

Users, groups, and containers that are excluded from access by this rule


Dynamic ACLs button

Dynamic Access Control Rules allow an administrator to set up an Access Control Rule based on a query of user attributes. See Defining Dynamic Access Control Rules for more information.


Controls for the Selected ACL Object

This section describes the following buttons:

ACL Rule Browser

The ACL Rule Browser button displays the name of the OLAC variable.

Add Allowed URL

The Add Allowed URL button allows you to launch the Add New Resource dialog box.

Delete Allowed URL

The Delete Allowed URL button allows you to delete the selected resource from the Allowed URL table.

Edit Allowed URL

The Edit Allowed URL button allows you to launch the Modify Existing Resource dialog box.

Add Excluded URL

The Add Excluded URL button allows you to launch the Add New Resource dialog.

Delete Excluded URL

The Delete Excluded URL button allows you to delete the selected resource from the Excluded URL table.

Edit Excluded URL

The Edit Excluded URL button allows you to launch the Modify Existing Resource dialog box.

Add Item To Apply To List

The Add Item To Apply To List button allows you to launch an object selection browser to select objects to add to the list.

Delete Item From Apply To List

The Delete Item From Apply To List button allows you to delete the selected object from the list.

Add Item To Exclusion List

The Add Item To Exclusion List button allows you to launch an object selection browser to select objects to add to the list.

Delete Item From Exclusion List

The Delete Item From Exclusion List button allows you to delete the selected object from the list.

Add New Resource Dialog Box

The Add New Resource dialog box allows the user to specify a resource to be added to the Allowed URL or Excluded URL lists. The Modify Existing Resource dialog box is exactly the same except for the dialog title. See Figure 63.

Figure 63
Add New Resource Dialog Box

The following table describes the fields on this page:

Table 29.

Field Name Description Status

Resource Name

The name of the resource.

Optional unless URL Postfix is left blank

URL Postfix

The string that specifies what directories or files are accessible through this resource.

Optional unless Resource Name is left blank

Controls for Add New Resource

This section describes the following button:

Resource Browser

The Resource Browser button allows you to launch the Select ISO Protected Resource dialog.

Select ISO Protected Resource Dialog Box

The Select ISO Protected Resource dialog box provides a list of iChain Service Objects and their associated protected resources from which the user can select to add to either the Allowed URL or Excluded URL list. The list is a drop-down list which will contain all iChain Service Objects in the currently selected context. See Figure 64.

Figure 64
Select ISO Protected Resource Dialog Box

The following table describes the field in this dialog box:

Table 30.

Field Name Description Status

iChain Service Object

Lists all the existing iChain Service Objects.


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