9.4 Administering registered portlets

The Portlet Admin page enables you to perform the following tasks related to portlet registrations in a portlet application:

9.4.1 Accessing portlet registrations in the deployed portlet application

The Portlet Applications list shows the portlet registrations for each portlet definition in a selected portlet application.

To access portlet registrations in the deployed portlet application:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, expand the portlet application whose portlet definitions and registrations you want to access.

    The tree displays all of the portlet definitions under that portlet application:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  2. Expand the portlet definition whose portlet registrations you want to access.

    The tree displays all of the portlet registrations under that portlet definition:

    Description: Description: Illustration

9.4.2 Viewing information about portlet registrations

You can view the following read-only information about a listed portlet registration:

  • Display name

  • Type of registration

  • Portlet title

  • Type of execution (synchronous or asynchronous)

  • Class name

  • Description

To view information about portlet registrations:

  • In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration that you want to learn about.

    A General panel displays on the right, showing information about the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration

9.4.3 Assigning categories to portlet registrations

To facilitate searching for specific portlets in a portlet application, you can organize portlet registrations by category.

To assign categories to portlet registrations:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration that you want to categorize.

    A General panel displays on the right.

  2. Go to the Categories panel.

    This panel displays lists of available and assigned categories for the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  3. Update the Assigned Categories list, as appropriate:

    If you want to

    Do this

    Assign one or more categories to the portlet registration

    Select each category you want to assign and click >

    Assign all categories to the portlet registration

    Click >>

    Remove one or more category assignments

    Select each category you want to remove and click <

    Remove all category assignments

    Click <<

  4. Click Save Categories.

9.4.4 Modifying settings for portlet registrations

Portlet settings define how the portal (Identity Manager user application) interacts with individual portlets. Each portlet is configured with these settings:

  • Title

  • Maximum timeout

  • Requires authentication

  • Display title bar

  • Hidden from user

  • Options defined in the portlet application

Standard Java Portlet 1.0 settings are defined in the portlet deployment descriptor (portlet.xml) of the portlet application WAR. You can change the values of these settings on a registration-by-registration basis by using the Portlet Admin page. In this case, the new values take effect only for the selected portlet registration.

To modify portlet registration settings:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration whose settings you want to modify.

    A General panel displays on the right.

  2. Go to the Settings panel.

    This panel displays the current settings for the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  3. Modify settings, as appropriate.

    While working on this panel, note that you can also perform the following actions:

    If you want to

    Do this

    Discard your unsaved changes

    Click Cancel

    Return all settings for this portlet registration to their default values (as defined in the corresponding portlet definition)

    Click Reset All

    Return an individual setting to its default value

    Click the Reset link beside that setting

  4. Click Save Settings.

9.4.5 Modifying preferences for portlet registrations

Portlet preferences are defined by the portlet developer at design time in the portlet deployment descriptor. Preferences vary from portlet to portlet, based on the portlet developer’s implementation.

You can change the values of these preferences on a registration-by-registration basis by using the Portlet Admin page. In this case, the new values take effect only for the selected portlet registration.

To modify portlet registration preferences:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration whose preferences you want to modify.

    A General panel displays on the right.

  2. Go to the Preferences panel.

    This panel displays the current preferences for the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  3. Modify preferences, as appropriate.

    While working on this panel, note that you can also perform the following actions:

    If you want to

    Do this

    Display more information about the preferences

    Click Descriptions

    Discard your unsaved changes

    Click Cancel

    Return all preferences for this portlet registration to their default values (as defined in the corresponding portlet definition)

    Click Reset All

    Return an individual preference to its default value

    Click the Reset link beside that preference

  4. To modify the localized version of a preference for each locale specified in the portlet definition, follow these steps:

    1. Click the Detail link beside that preference (if available).

      The panel displays the preference values for each locale.

    2. Modify values, as appropriate.

    3. Click OK to apply your changes and return to the main preferences list.

  5. Click Save Preferences.

9.4.6 Assigning security permissions for portlet registrations

You can assign the following security permissions to users, groups, and containers for portlet registrations:




Users can view the portlet registration from a selection list


Users can run the portlet registration on a portal page

When you modify security permissions, the new values take effect only for the selected portlet registration.

To assign security permissions for portlet registrations:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration whose security permissions you want to modify.

    A General panel displays on the right.

  2. Go to the Security panel.

    This panel displays the current security permissions for the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  3. Go to the List or Execute tab, depending on which type of permission you want to assign.

  4. Specify values for the following search settings:


    What to do

    Search for

    Select one of the following from the dropdown menu:

    • Users

    • Groups

    • Containers

    Starts with

    If you want to:

    • Find all available objects of your specified type (user, group, or container), then make this setting blank.

    • Find a subset of those objects, then enter the starting character(s) of the CN values you want. (Case is not considered. Wildcards are not supported.)

      For example, searching for groups that start with S would narrow your search results to something like this:


    Searching for groups that start with Se would return:

  5. Click Go.

    The results of your search appear in the Results list.

  6. Select the users, groups, or containers you want to assign to the portlet registration, then click the Add (>) button.

    HINT:Hold down the Control key to make multiple selections.

  7. Enable or disable lock-down for the portlet registration as follows:

    If you want to

    Do this

    Lock down the portlet registration so only User Application Administrators can list/execute it

    Check List/Execute Permission Set to Admin Only

    Allow all assigned users, groups, and containers to list/execute the portlet registration

    Uncheck List/Execute Permission Set to Admin Only

    NOTE:If you uncheck this setting but there are no users, groups, or containers explicitly assigned to the portlet registration, then everyone will have List/Execute permission for this portlet registration.

  8. Click Save.

9.4.7 Unregistering a portlet

You can use the Portlet Admin page to unregister a portlet if necessary.

NOTE:If you unregister a portlet that is defined as auto-registered, that portlet will be registered again automatically when you restart your application server.

To unregister a portlet:

  1. In the Portlet Applications list, select the portlet registration that you want to unregister.

    A General panel displays on the right, showing information about the selected portlet registration:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  2. Click Unregister Portlet.

  3. When you are prompted to confirm the unregister operation, click OK.