10.2 General settings

The Portal page provides a General Settings panel that you can use to:

To administer general settings:

  1. On the Portal page, select General Settings from the navigation menu on the left.

    The General Settings panel displays:

    Description: Description: Illustration
  2. If you have more than one War Context, select the one whose settings you want to access.

    The panel refreshes to show the current settings for your chosen context.

  3. Examine and modify the settings, as appropriate. For details, see:

  4. If you make changes that you want to apply, click Save.

10.2.1 Settings you can change

You can modify several portal settings on the General Settings panel. Your values stay in effect until the next application-server restart or user-application redeployment. When a restart or redeployment occurs, these settings revert to the default values for the user application WAR.


What to do

Default Request Timeout

Specify the default time (in milliseconds) that a request will wait before it times out.

If none of the asynchronous portlets defines a timeout, or none of the portlets defines a timeout that is bigger than this value, this default value will be used. If one or more of the portlets to render defines a timeout that is bigger than this default value, the bigger one will be used instead of the default.

This setting can be used to protect the application from getting too many messages indicating that portlets have timed out (which might happen if the portlets define values that are too small).

NOTE:In the event that all portlets can be rendered before this default timeout occurs, the request will immediately return to the client.

Maximum Request Timeout

Specify the maximum time (in milliseconds) that a request will be held back from finishing. This means that after this amount of time, every request will return to the client, regardless of whether any portlet defines a bigger timeout value.

This setting can be used to make sure that the portal responds in a timely fashion even if one or more of the portlets define a large timeout value.

Parallel Portlet Render

Enable or disable asynchronous portlet rendering in the portal.

This is an advanced feature that is disabled by default. If you enable this feature, the portal assigns asynchronous render requests to individual threads (which allows portlets to render content in parallel).

When this feature is disabled, all portlets render content synchronously in the main request thread.

Force Portlet Render Timeout

Determine whether asynchronous portlets are delegated to the main request thread to render content if there are not enough individual threads available in the thread pool.

If you choose No, asynchronous portlets can execute in the main request thread if no individual threads are available.

Choosing Yes forces asynchronous portlets to wait until individual threads are available before they can render content. If portlets time out before they execute the render request, a portlet-specific error message is generated in the portlet window.

Force Synchronous Portlet Serial Rendering

Determine how synchronous portlets are executed.

If you choose Yes, all synchronous portlets execute in the main request thread.

Choosing No enables the portal to allocate a separate thread for processing synchronous render requests (thereby preventing bottlenecks in the main request thread).

10.2.2 Read-only settings

The following settings are displayed for informational purposes only and cannot be changed on the General Settings panel:

Portal Home Page Path

Default Layout

Portal Controller Servlet Path

Default Style

Portal Portlet Path

Default Theme

Portal Login Page Path

Portal Resource Path

Default Container Page

The values of these settings are set in the user application WAR. (Note that Default Theme reflects your current theme choice from the Themes page.)