3.4 Creating a Rule

A rule is a set of conditions that must be met before a defined action occurs. Rules are created from condition groups, conditions, and actions.

Rules can be created in four different ways:

3.4.1 Creating a New Rule

When you create a rule, you create condition groups, conditions, and actions. Each rule is composed of conditions, actions, and arguments. For more information, click the Help icon Select the policy object when creating each item. The help files contain a definition and an example of the item being used.

Creating a Rule

  1. From the Policy Builder toolbar, select Rule.

    Rule icon

    You can also right-click and click New > Rule.

    Creating a new rule

    Either option launches the Create Rule Wizard.

  2. Specify the name of the rule, then click Next.

    Create rule wizard
  3. Select the condition structure ( OR Conditions, AND Groups or AND Conditions, OR Groups) then click Next.

    Condition structure
  4. Select the condition you want, specify the appropriate information, then click Next.

    Define the condition

    Click the Help icon Define the condition for information about each condition you can create.

  5. You can define an additional condition or condition group at this point. For this example, there is only one condition. Select Continue, then click Next.

    Defining additional conditions
  6. Select the action that you want, then click Next.

    Select the action

    Click the Help icon Select the action for information about each action you can create.

  7. You can define additional actions at this point. For this example, there is only one action. Select Continue, then click Next.

    Defining additional actions
  8. The summary page displays the rule that was created. Click Finish to complete the creation of the rule.


    You can expand or collapse the view of the rule by clicking the plus or minus sign.

    Expanding or collapsing the rule

Creating a Conditional Group

  1. Right-click the Conditions tab or right-click the name of the Condition Group, then click New > Insert Condition Group Before or Insert Condition Group After.

    Append condition group

    You can also right-click the name of the Condition Group, then click New > Insert Condition Group Before or Insert Condition Group After.

    Inset condition group before or after

    You can change the condition for the Condition Groups by click the And/Or icon.

    Change the condition group by clicking And/Or

Creating a Condition

  1. Right-click the condition, then click New > Insert Condition Before or Insert Condition After.

    Insert Condition

    You can change the condition by clicking the And/Or icon.

    Change the condition by clicking the And/Or

Creating an Action

  1. Right-click the action, then click New > Insert Action Before or Insert Action After.

    Insert action before or after

3.4.2 Using Predefined Rules

Designer includes a list of predefined rules. You can import and use these rules as well as create your own rules.

  1. Right-click in the Policy Builder and select New > Predefine Rules > Insert Predefined Rule Before or Insert Predefined Rule After.

    See Section 8.0, Using Predefined Rules for more information.

    Predefined rules

3.4.3 Including an Existing Rule

Designer allows you to include the rules from another policy.

  1. Right-click in the Policy Builder and click New > Include > Insert Include Before or Insert Include After.

    Insert a rule before or after
  2. Click the Browse icon.

    Browse icon
  3. Browse to the policy you want to include, then click OK.

    Select desired policy
  4. The field is now populated with the path to the policy. Click OK.

    Policy path

    The rule is a link to the original rule. You cannot edit the rule in this location. Access the original rule to make changes.

    The rule is not editable

3.4.4 Importing a Policy From an XML File

Rules and policies can be saved as XML files. If you have a file that contains a rule or a policy you want to use, the Policy Builder allows you to import the file.

  1. In the Policy Builder, right-click and select Import Policy from file.

    Import Policy from file
  2. Select one of the two options: Append the rules from the imported policy or Replace the rules from the imported policy.

    Select Append the rules or Replace the rules
  3. Click the browse icon and select the file that contains the policy, then click Open.

  4. Click OK.