19.4 Compliance Actions You Can Perform

Here’s a summary of the actions that are available to you by default on the Compliance tab:

Table 19-2 Compliance Actions




Attestation Requests

Request User Profile Attestation Process

Submits a request for an attestation process to verify user profile information.

For details, see Section 20.2, Requesting User Profile Attestation Processes.

Request SoD Violation Attestation Process

Submits a request for an attestation process to verify the violations and exceptions for a set of SoD constraints.

For details, see Section 20.3, Requesting SoD Violation Attestation Processes.

Request Role Assignment Attestation Process

Submits a request for an attestation process to verify assignments for selected roles.

For details, see Section 20.4, Requesting Role Assignment Attestation Processes.

Request User Assignment Attestation Process

Submits a request for an attestation process to verify assignments for selected users.

For details, see Section 20.5, Requesting User Assignment Attestation Process.

View Attestation Request Status

Allows you to see the status of your attestation requests. In addition, it gives you the option to see the detailed status for each workflow started for a request and optionally retract a workflow.

For details, see Section 20.6, Checking the Status of Your Attestation Requests.