Applet and Application Tasks

Running an Applet

For example, suppose an applet called MYAPP and its corresponding HTML file are found in sys:\mapps\. To run this applet, you would enter

applet SYS:\mapps\myapp.html

Running an Application

NJVM assigns a screen to the application, then executes the application. If the application requires a graphical interface, NJVM loads NetWare GUI and displays the application.

IMPORTANT:  If the application requires console keyboard input, the -ns option must be used.

While the application is running, you can use the server console utility to view any output on the console screens. For instructions using the Server Console utility, see Toggling between NetWare GUI and the Server Console .

All GUI applications appear in the same GUI screen.

Binding an Application to a Specific Processor

To force an application to run on a specific processor, use the -mp flag. For example, if you want to assign a JVM to a processor, the processor number should follow -mp. To assign a JVM specifically to processor 3, enter the following at the Server Console:

java -mp3 application_name

To assign a JVM to processor 0, enter the following at the Server Console:

java -mp0 application_name

NOTE:  Using the -mp0 flag is equivalent to disabling multiprocessor support. This flag should be used only with applications that are considered mp-unsafe.

Listing the Current Java Processes

To display a list of currently running processes and their process IDs, enter the following at the Server Console:

java -show

Shutting Down a Running Java Process

  1. Get a list of the running Java processes.

    See Listing the Current Java Processes .

  2. At the Server Console, enter

    java -shutdown process_ID

    For example:

    java -shutdown610

    Replace 610 with the ID of the process to be killed.

  3. To shut down all running processes, enter the following at the Server Console:

    java -shutdownall

NOTE:  The -shutdown option is new in NJVM 1.4.1. When you use -shutdown, Java calls the application's registered shutdown hooks. This provides a more graceful shutdown than the Java -kill command, which closes the application without calling the application's shutdown hooks. It is the application's responsibility to register its shutdown hooks.

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