11.6 Workflows Included with Teaming

The following workflows are included with Kablink Teaming 2.0 and later. To make these workflows functional, you simply need to enable them, as described in Section 11.7, Enabling Workflows.

11.6.1 Using the Publish Workflow

You can use the Publish workflow in the following ways:

Publish Entries to a Landing Page: You can use the Publish workflow to publish entries to a landing page, without manually modifying the contents of the landing page.

For more information, see Section 6.6, Automatically Displaying the Newest Folder Entries on Your Landing Page.

Keep Entries Private: You can use the Publish workflow to keep entries private until you are ready to publish them for other Teaming users to read.

For example, you can associate the Publish workflow with a certain entry type in a folder (see Section 11.7.1, Enabling Workflows to Start When an Entry Is Created for more information). When you create an entry in the folder, the entry is created as Private. When you are ready for other Teaming users to view the entry, you can change the workflow status to Publish.

To transition the workflow status of an entry from Private to Publish:

  1. Open the entry, and in the Transition to field, select Publish in the drop-down list.

  2. Click OK.

To make the workflow status of the entry Private again:

  1. Open the entry where you want to change the workflow status.

  2. In the Entry toolbar, click Workflow > Stop Workflow: Publish Workflow, then click OK when you are asked if you really want to stop the workflow.

  3. In the Entry toolbar, click Workflow > Start Workflow: Publish Workflow, then click OK when you are asked if you really want to start the workflow.

    The workflow status of the entry is now Private.

11.6.2 Using the Task Workflow

The Task workflow is used to allow all users who are assigned to a particular task to make modifications to the task, if they are not members of the workspace where the task resides.