19.3 Exporting Templates

You might want to export templates for the following reasons:

Kablink Vibe enables you to export individual templates, or export multiple templates simultaneously.

19.3.1 Exporting a Single Template

  1. Click the Settings icon Manage Workspace and Folder Templates in the upper right corner of the page, then click the Administration Console icon Manage Workspace and Folder Templates.

  2. Under Management, click Workspace and Folder Templates.

  3. Click the workspace or folder template that you want to export.

  4. Click Manage This Template.

  5. Click Export This Template.

  6. Click OK.

19.3.2 Exporting Multiple Templates

  1. Click the Settings icon Manage Workspace and Folder Templates in the upper right corner of the page, then click the Administration Console icon Manage Workspace and Folder Templates.

  2. Under Management, click Workspace and Folder Templates.

    Manage Workspace and Folder Templates
  3. Click Export.

    Manage Workspace and Folder Templates page with templates to be exported
  4. In the Select the Templates to be Exported section, select the template or templates that you want to export, then click OK.