From the ISO image, copy the RPM file that is applicable to the operating system and architecture of the server that will host the Kanaka Engine.
From the server that will host the Kanaka Engine, open a terminal session.
Navigate to the RPM file you copied in Step 1.
At the terminal console, run the following command:
rpm –Uvh microfocus-kanaka-engine-3.1.x-x.x~.rpm
Once the upgrade has completed, run microfocus-kanakaengine-config to verify the configuration was properly migrated.
Depending on what version of Kanaka you are upgrading, do one of the following:
If you are upgrading from version 2.8 or 3.0.1, you can start the Kanaka engine by typing:
rcmicrofocus-kanakaengined start
If you are upgrading from version 2.7 and you do not intend to update clients, you can start the Kanaka engine:
rcmicrofocus-kanakaengined start
If you are upgrading from version 2.7 and you intend to update clients, you should follow the steps in Section 3.5, Generating Certificates for generating a certificate for the Engine. Then make sure that your clients contain the trusted root of the certificate authority that signed the Engine’s certificate (server.pem).
Once you have created the certificate and converted it to the PEM format and placed it in the appropriate location, you can start the Kanaka Engine by typing:
rcmicrofocus-kanakaengined start