Domain-Based Acceleration

In Excelerator 2.3, appliance-based multihoming functionality has been extended to support Domain acceleration.

Understanding Domain-Based Acceleration

In the past, a separate accelerator service had to be created for each Web server being accelerated. Now, domain-based multihoming lets you create a single domain-based accelerator to accelerate all the Web servers in a single domain.

Graphical Overview

Figure 48 presents a basic overview of a single Excelerator cache device accelerating five Web servers in a single domain through a single domain-based acceleration service.

Figure 48

Authentication Profiles and Secure Excelerator Are Supported

Domain-based multihoming also works with authentication profiles and Secure Excelerator implementations.

URL Overrides Are Not Required

Domain-based accelerators automatically change cross-referenced URLs between Web servers within a domain. This eliminates the need to create URL overrides.

Using Authentication Profiles

We recommend you create authentication profiles using the browser-based tool. Once the profiles have been created, you can assign them to domain-based accelerators using the CLI. See Table 6 for a list of CLI commands.

Once assigned, the profiles work as described for Web acceleration services.

Using Secure Excelerator

Secure Excelerator interacts with domain-based acceleration services in basically the same way as with Web server-based acceleration services. For an overview of Web server acceleration functionality, see Accelerating Web Servers.

In addition, there are two important differences:

The Domain Name and Nodes

Domain-based accelerator services can handle up to five nodes before the domain name.

For example, an internal Web server with the domain name has five nodes before the domain name


You must use the CLI to configure logging for domain-based acceleration services. However, once the log files are being created, you can use the browser-based tool to manage the downloading and pushing of log files. See Table 6 for a list of CLI commands.

NOTE:  Log files for domain-based acceleration services are listed in the REVERSE log grouping in the browser-based tool along with other accelerator service logs.

Using the CLI

Table 6 summarizes all the commands associated with domain-based acceleration.

The following sections outline some general tips for working with this feature.

Creating a Domain-Based Accelerator

Complete the following steps:

  1. At the system prompt, create a domain accelerator using the following command:

    add domainaccelerator = name

    where name is the name you will use for managing the accelerator service.

  2. Designate an IP address for handling incoming browser requests using the following command:

    set domainaccelerator name address = iii.iii.iii.iii

    where name is the accelerator name you specified in Step 1 and the i's are a dot-delimited IP address.

  3. Set one or more port numbers for the service using the following command:

    set domainaccelerator name port = port

    where name is the accelerator name you specified in Step 1 and port is the port number the service will listen on for incoming browser requests. If you are using Secure Excelerator, you will need to specify both ports for both HTTP and HTTPS traffic (for example, port 80 and port 443).

    IMPORTANT:  You must ensure that no other services on the cache device are using the same IP address and port combinations.

  4. Specify the internal domain name from which the accelerator service will fill incoming browser requests, by entering the following command:

    set domainaccelerator name domainname = domain

    where name is the accelerator name you specified in Step 1 and domain is the name of the domain from which the service will fill browser requests.

  5. Save the settings by entering


CLI Summary

The following table summarizes the commands used to set up and configure domain-based authentication. For detail on individual commands, refer to the CLI help.

Table 6.

Feature CLI Command

Basic Service

add domainaccelerator = name


set domainaccelerator name enable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name domainname = domain


set domainaccelerator name port = port


set domainaccelerator name address = address


set domainaccelerator name sendxforwardedforheader = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name initialtcpreceivewindowsize = size


set domainaccelerator name limitfillbandwidth = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name cacheobjectswithnovalidatororexpirationdate = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name browsernocacherequests = revalidate | ignore | refill


set domainaccelerator name sslport = port


set domainaccelerator name sslkeyid = cert_name


set domainaccelerator name authentication enable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name authentication profile = profile


set domainaccelerator name authentcation sslmaxidletime = time


set domainaccelerator name authentication cookiedomain = domain


set domainaccelerator name authentication profilerule = and | or


set domainaccelerator name authentication whenaclfails = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonpost = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonput = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredondelete = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredontrace = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonoptions = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonconnect = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonhttp = no | yes


set domainaccelerator name authentication requiredonother = no | yes

Referer Header Control

set domainaccelerator name referercontrol enable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name referercontrol url = url

Access Control

set domainaccelerator name accesscontrol enable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name accesscontrol policy = policy

Secure Excelerator

set domainaccelerator name securex enable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name securex secureaccesstowebserver = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name securex trustedrootsfilelist = list


set domainaccelerator name securex interactivehandshake = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name securex acceptanyroot = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name securex allowcacheatbrowser = yes | no

Custom Cache Header

set domainaccelerator name customcacheheaderenable = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name customcacheheader = header


set domainaccelerator name customcacheheaderonobjexpiry = checkmodified | getnew

Logging - Common Format

set domainaccelerator name comlog = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name comlogrolloption = bysize | bytime


set domainaccelerator name comlogrollsize = size


set domainaccelerator name comlogrollperiod = minutes


set domainaccelerator name comlogrollday = 1stofmonth | monday | tuesday . . .


set domainaccelerator name comlogrolltime = 12am | 1 am | 2 am . . .


set domainaccelerator name comlogrolltimezone = local | gmt


set domainaccelerator name comlogdeleteoption = nodelete | bytime | byfiles


set domainaccelerator name comlogdeletemaxtime = hours


set domainaccelerator name comlogdeletemaxfile = files

Logging - Extended Format

set domainaccelerator name extlog = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogrolloption = bysize | bytime


set domainaccelerator name extlogrollperiod = minutes


set domainaccelerator name extlogrollday = 1stofmonth | monday | tuesday . . .


set domainaccelerator name extlogrolltime = 12am | 1 am | 2 am . . .


set domainaccelerator name extlogrolltimezone = local | gmt


set domainaccelerator name extlogrollsize = size


set domainaccelerator name extlogdeleteoption = nodelete | bytime | byfiles


set domainaccelerator name extlogdeletemaxtime = hours


set domainaccelerator name extlogdeletemaxfile = files


set domainaccelerator name extlogusername = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogservername = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogserverip = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogsitename = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogmethod = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloguri = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloguristem = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloguriquery = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloghttpversion = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloghttpstatus = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogbytessent = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogbytesreceived = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogtimetaken = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extloguseragent = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcookie = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogreferer = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcachedstatus = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogfillproxyip = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogoriginip = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogxfwdfor = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcontentrange = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogrange = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogifrange = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcontentlength = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogetag = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogrequestpragma = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogreplypragma = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcompleted = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogheadersize = yes | no


set domainaccelerator name extlogcacheinfo = yes | no