Upgrading Server Inventory

Before you upgrade from ZfS 3/SP1 to ZfS 3.0.2 Server Inventory, perform the following tasks:

The ZfS 3.0.2 Server Inventory installation program will automatically upgrade an existing ZfS 3 or ZfS 3 SP1 Inventory server to ZfS 3.0.2 Inventory server and also the ZfS ConsoleOne snap-ins to ZfS 3.0.2 ConsoleOne snap-ins. For more information on installing ZfS 3.0.2 Server Inventory, see Installing Server Inventory on NetWare and Windows Servers.

When the ZfS 3.0.2 Inventory Agent is installed on the inventoried server, the existing ZfS Inventory Agent is uninstalled. If the existing ZfS Inventory Agent is not uninstalled, you need to manually uninstall it.

To uninstall the ZfS 3/SP1 Inventory Agent on a Netware server:

  1. Unload INVSCAN.NLM.

  2. From SYS:\SYSTEM, delete the following files:


  3. In SYS:\SYSTEM\AUTOEXEC.NCF, delete the following line:


To uninstall the ZfS 3/SP1 Inventory Agent on a Windows NT/2000 server:

  1. Stop the ZfS 3/SP1 Inventory Agent service.

    In the Windows NT Control Panel, double-click Services > select ZFS Inventory > click Stop.

    In the Windows NT Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools > double-click Services > select ZFS Inventory > click Stop.

  2. Note the value of the ImagePath key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ZfS Inventory registry entry. The ImagePath key contains the Inventory Agent installation directory.

  3. Delete the Inventory Agent installation directory identified in the Image Path key.

  4. Delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ZfS Inventory registry entry.

After installing ZfS 3.0.2, follow the instructions in Post-Installation Tasks.