11.4 Exporting the Correct Path to the Java Installation

The User Application is tested with the Java* that is installed at /opt/novell/idm/jre. You must make sure the correct path is set. You can either execute the commands each time the shell starts, or add this information to the /etc/profile.local script.

11.4.1 Setting the Correct Path in the Current Shell

Follow these steps to set the correct path in the current shell:

  1. From the Computer menu, select Gnome Terminal.

  2. Enter the following commands:

    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/novell/idm/jre
    export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  3. Do not exit the Gnome Terminal, or the path is no longer set.

11.4.2 Adding the Commands to the /etc/profile.local Script

Follow these steps to add these commands to the /etc/profile.local script.

  1. From the Computer menu, select Gnome Terminal.

  2. Log in as root by entering su, then enter the root password.

  3. Enter gedit /etc/profile.local.

  4. Add the following lines to the file:

    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/novell/idm/jre
    export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  5. Select File > Save to save the file, then select File > Quit to exit.

  6. Enter source /etc/profile.local to execute the script file without rebooting the server.

  7. Log out of the shell as root by entering exit at the command prompt.

  8. Proceed to Section 11.5, Installing the Identity Manager User Application.

11.4.3 Configuring JRE for the IDMSA Service Account

Follow these steps to configure the JRE security and default keystore to be owned by the idmsa service account:

  1. From the Computer menu, select Gnome Terminal.

  2. Log in as root by entering su, then enter the root password.

  3. Enter chown idmsa:novell /opt/novell/idm/jre/lib/security.

  4. Enter chown idmsa:novell /opt/novell/idm/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

  5. Enter chmod 775 /opt/novell/idm/jre/lib/security.

  6. Enter chmod 775 /opt/novell/idm/jre/lib/security/cacerts.