
Specifies the languages that the user runs applications in. Typically, this field is used for documentation purposes only, but applications can be designed to check this property during startup to determine which language to run in. Each language name can be up to 256 characters long. To add multiple language names, type a language name, press Enter, type another language name, press Enter, and so on.

Network Address
Shows the network addresses that the user is currently logged in from. The address types shown in this field correspond to the network protocols being used by the user's workstation, such as IP and IPX*. If the user isn't logged in, this field is empty. You can't edit this field.

Default Server
Specifies the NetWare* server to use by default for network requests originating from the user. During login, if no specific server connection is requested, the user is connected to the default server. After login, if the user makes a network request without specifying a server, the default server is used. After logout, the user is left with an attachment to the SYS:LOGIN folder on the default server.

This property must contain the fully distinguished name of a NetWare Server object in the NDS tree. The entire name can be up to 256 characters long. Enter the name or click the browse button next to the field to select a NetWare Server object. If the server you want is not in the NDS tree, you must first create it as an object in the tree. The default server name is stored as the Message Server property of the User object.

If you don't specify a default server when creating a User object, the server you are logged in to when you create the User object becomes the user's default server.

Home Directory
Specifies a home directory for the user. A home directory is a folder on a NetWare volume where the user can keep his or her files. Each field can contain a string up to 256 characters long.

Specifies the volume containing the home directory. Enter the fully distinguished name of the Volume object or click the browse button next to the field to select a Volume object. If the volume you want is not in the NDS tree, you must first create it as an object in the tree.
Specifies the path from the root of the volume up to and including the name of the user's home directory. For example: HOME\DJONES. Enter the path or click the browse button next to the field to select the home directory.

By default, the user has all rights but Supervisor to the home directory. For details, see Related Topics below.

Related Topics

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* Novell trademark. ** Third-party trademark. For more information, see Trademarks.