Active/Active Mode

In active/active cluster mode, services of the NFS Gateway for NetWare 6 are available on all nodes in a cluster.

For example, when a server hosting the NFS Gateway volume on a specific server fails, it will transparently fail over to any other node in the cluster.

Cluster enabling in this mode has the following advantages:

Configuring in Active/Active Cluster Mode

Active/active mode is the recommended configuration because it provides faster recovery after a failure. Active/active mode signifies that the NFS Gateway is running simultaneously on multiple servers in the cluster. When a server fails, the cluster volumes mounted on that server fail over to other servers in the cluster and users retain access to files and directories.

  1. In individual cluster nodes/servers that will run NFS Gateway, edit the autoexec.ncf file and add the following to the end of the file:

    nfsgy [options...]

    For details on nfsgy options, Setting NFS Gateway Parameters .

  2. Bring the shared resource status to offline.

  3. Make sure of the following:

  4. Modify the load and unload scripts of the shared resource to contain the list of mounted NFS Gateway volumes whose shadow files are to be stored on any of the NSS volumes of this shared resource.

  5. Add the following syntax to the end of load script of shared resource:

    gymount volumename IPAddress sharedPath -shadowVolume shared_volume_name [options]

    For details on gymount options, see Mounting Parameters .

  6. Add the following at the beginning of unload script of the shared resource:

    gyumount volumename -forceDeactivate

    IMPORTANT:  The -forceDeactivate option is mandatory.

  7. Bring the cluster resource online.

The NFS Gateway is now configured to work in the active/active cluster mode.

IMPORTANT:  In cluster-enabled environment, make sure that NFS Gateway volumename (volumename parameter of gymount and gyumount) does not exceed eight characters.

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