Setting Volume-Specific Parameters

This section discusses the following:

Mounting Parameters

Use the following syntax to mount a volume:

gymount volumename IPAddress sharedPath [-shadowVolume value] [-nfsVersion value] [-mountUid value][-mountGid value] [-anonUid value] [-anonGid value] [-rpcTimeOut value] [-rpcRetries value] [-dirCompFreq value] [-umask value] [-readOnly | -readWrite] [- tossMetadata | -noTossMetadata] [-lowerCaseUnixNames] [-readSize value] [-writeSize value][-maxOutstandingPackets value] [-logLevel value] [-logVerbose | -logNonVerbose]

IMPORTANT:  Load nfsgy with the required parameters before executing the gymount command. Otherwise, gymount auto loads nfsgy with default parameters.

The following table describes the mount parameters.

Parameter Default Description


Must specify

(No default)

Name of the volume that you are mounting.

Range: 2 to 15 characters.

This parameter is mandatory.



IP Address of the NFS Server you are importing the shared directory from.

This parameter is mandatory unless the volume was previously mounted with the required syntax, and nfsgy.nlm has not been unloaded after that.



Absolute path of the shared directory in the NFS Server.

This parameter is mandatory if you are mounting the volume for the first time after the NFS Gateway is loaded.



Specifies the name of the volume where shadow files are to be stored.

The shadow files are stored in shadowVolume:\gateway directory.

The gateway volume will not be mounted if the specified shadowVolume is not available.

If not specified, the shadow volume specified with the nfsgy command is used.

Do not use the mounted Gateway volumes as ShadowVolume when mounting another volume using gymount. For example, if vol1 is a mounted NFS Gateway volume, then do not execute the following:

gymount vol2 -shadowVolume vol1

IMPORTANT:  Do not dismount or deactivate the volume that shadowVolume points to when NFS Gateway is loaded. Doing so results in deactivation of volumes imported by NFS Gateway.



NFS protocol version with which the volume is imported.

Valid value = 2 or 3

If NFS version 3 is not supported, then the volume is mounted with NFS version 2.

We recommend using NFS version 3 because NFS Gateway for NetWare 6 is optimized for this.



UID used for mounting the shared path.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647

The NFS Gateway also uses this parameter for UID, when NLMTM programs running on the server access the NFS Gateway volume with NCP® Connection Number = 0.



GID used for mounting the shared path.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647



UID used for users without a UNIX profile in eDirectoryTM.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647

The NFS Gateway also uses this parameter for a user with UID = 0 in the UNIX profile when root access is not given to the NetWare server.



GID used for users without UNIX profile in eDirectory.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647



Time interval (in seconds) that the gateway waits for a response from the remote server.

Valid Range: 1 to 2147483647

If the network is heavily loaded or remote NFS Server is slow in responding to NFS requests, set a high value for this parameter. You might use a value of 6 seconds which is used by some of the other NFS clients.

If the network is moderately loaded or remote NFS server is fast enough to the responses to NFS queries from NFS Gateway, the default value of one second is sufficient.

We recommend you try a set of values to fine tune this parameter value for your network settings.



Number of times each RPC request is retried, if the reply for a request does not come within the rpcTimeOut period.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647



Time (in seconds) after which all the cached shadow file contents for this directory are invalidated.

Valid Range: 0 to 2147483647

The default value of 0 indicates that cache is not invalidated until there is a change in the directory content in the NFS server.



File mode creation mask for files and directories created from NFS Gateway.

Valid Range: 000 to 777

This value must be octal.

readOnly | readWrite


Specifies if the Gateway volume is read-only or read/write.

tossMetaData | noTossMetaData

noTossMetadata (retain)

Invalidates or retains file metadata immediately after the file is closed.



Specifies the read transfer buffer size in KB.

Valid values = 4, 8, 16, 32

If you enter a value other than 4, 8, 16, or 32 but within the range of 4 - 32, then the lower valid value nearest to the value you enter is used.

For example, if you enter 10, then 8 is used.

If you enter an invalid value outside the range of 4 - 32, the default value is used.

This parameter is applicable only for NFS version 3. If the NFS version is 2, then the value 4 KB is used.

The NFS Gateway checks three values and uses the lowest to determine the actual read size to use. The three values are:

  1. Largest UDP Packet Size (Parameter in monitor.nlm > Server Parameters > Communications).
  2. The preferred read size as specified by the remote NFS Server
  3. The readSize specified on the gymount command.

To ensure that read transfer buffer size is 32 KB of data, ensure that:

  • NFS Server has a read preferred size = 32 KB
  • Set the NFS Gateway gymount parameter readsize = 32 KB
  • Set the largest UDP packet size on NetWare = 33280 (32768 for data +512 for headers)



Specifies the write transfer buffer size in KB.

Valid values = 4, 8, 16, 32

If you enter a value other than 4, 8, 16, or 32 but within the range of 4 - 32, then the lower valid value nearest to the value you enter is used.

For example, if you enter 10, then 8 is used.

If you enter any invalid value outside the range of 4 - 32, the default value of 32 KB is used.

This parameter is applicable only for NFS version 3. If NFS version 2 is specified, then the value 4 KB is used.

The NFS Gateway checks three values and uses the lowest to determine the actual write size to use. The three values are:

  1. Largest UDP Packet Size (Parameter in monitor.nlm > Server Parameters > Communications).
  2. The preferred write size as specified by the remote NFS Server
  3. The writeSize specified on the gymount command.

To ensure that write transfer buffer size is 32 KB of data, ensure that:

  • NFS Server has a write preferred size = 32 KB
  • Set the NFS Gateway gymount parameter writesize = 32 KB
  • Set the largest UDP packet size on NetWare = 33280 (32768 for data +512 for headers)



Specifies the maximum number of requests to an individual NFS server that can be concurrently outstanding before the NFS Gateway pauses in sending requests to that particular NFS server. An outstanding packet is an NFS request to which no reply has been received, nor has the time out period expired.

For example, if the maxOutstandingPackets = 64, then a maximum of 64 requests can be waiting for a response from an individual NFS server.This is irrespective of the number of Gateway volumes imported from that NFS server. If two or more NFS Gateway volumes are imported from the same NFS server, then the value specified in the first gymount command is used. That value is treated as a pool and shared between the two or more gateway volumes.

If two NFS Gateway volumes refer the same NFS server, then the value specified in the volume mounted first is used between the first and second volume together.

Valid Range: 1 to 2147483647

IMPORTANT:  Use the value of 1 for this parameter with caution because it might negatively impact the performance of the NFS Gateway. The value of 1 means each NFS request must be answered by the remote NFS server before the NFS Gateway sends another request. This increases processing overhead, so use this value only when the network is highly saturated with traffic or when the remote NFS server is unusually slow in responding.


Not enforced

Forces the file or directory created from NetWare to have lowercase filenames on UNIX.



Specifies the logging level to be enabled for the volume.

0, 1, 2, and 4 are the valid log levels. The values indicate the following:

0 = None (Logging is disabled)

1 = Errors

2 = Warning , Errors

4 = Info, Warning, and Errors

If not specified, the logLevel specified with the nfsgy command is used.

logVerbose | logNonVerbose


Specifies whether to log verbose information or not.

If not specified, the value specified with the nfsgy command is used.

Dismounting a Gateway Volume

Dismount and deactivate the NFS Gateway volume by entering the following syntax:

gyumount volumename [-forceDeactivate]

Volumename: Specify the volumename to be dismounted. Dismounting a specific gateway volume does not disturb the state of other gateway volumes.

forceDeactivate: Specify to deactivate the volume without prompting for open files. This causes loss of data in unsaved files in the volume that is being dismounted. The use of this option is mandatory when you modify the cluster unload script to configure the gateway for active/active cluster mode.

By default, if any file of the specified gateway volume is open, then the gateway prompts you to confirm if the dismounting of the volume can be continued.

Trustee Settings

You can assign trustees and modify or delete their rights to files or directories on a NFS Gateway volume using any one of the following:

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