4.2 Using the NCP Utilities to Mount NetWare Volumes

ncpfs is a Linux file system that understands the NCP protocol (the protocol NetWare clients use to talk to NetWare® servers).

The following NCP utilities let you mount and unmount volumes from a specified NetWare file server:

ncpmount, when invoked with all appropriate arguments, attaches and logs in to the specified server and mounts all volumes (or one volume or subtree) from the server under the specified mount point. When invoked without any arguments specifying the fileserver, user ID, and password, ncpmount checks the file $HOME/.nwclient to find a file server, a username, and possibly a password to use for the specified mount point.

To enable mounting without root privileges, use the following commands:

chmod 4755 /usr/bin/ncpmount
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/ncpumount

All NCP connection are available to all users.

4.2.1 ncpmount

ncpmount -S server_name -A server’s_DNS_name -U userid.context -V vol1 /your_favorite_mount_point

Example (with root privileges):

ncpmount -S server1 -A server1.mycompany.com -U user123.local.mycompany -V vol1 -c 1000 -u 1000 /home/user123/server1

Example (without root privileges):

ncpmount -S server1 -A server1.mycompany.com -U user123.local.mycompany -V vol1 ~/server1

IMPORTANT:All commands are supposed to be entered as one line.

4.2.2 ncpumount

ncpumount mount_point


ncpumount ~/server1