6.4 Defining Point of Service Terminal Objects

With posAdmin, you can add, remove, and modify Point of Service terminal hardware assets such as Point of Service terminals, configuration files, hard disks, network interface cards, and configuration files with the use of reference objects in the LDAP directory. Hardware reference objects are typically located in the global container in the LDAP directory.

The following sections outline how to use posAdmin to manage Point of Service terminal hardware reference objects in LDAP:

6.4.1 Adding an scCashRegister Object

The first step to register new Point of Service hardware is to define the name and model type of the Point of Service terminal. The scCashRegister object stores information about Point of Service hardware. Typically, you should define a scCashRegister object for each type of terminal used on the Novell Linux Point of Service system; however, if a Point of Service terminal does not have an scCashRegister object for its specific hardware type, it uses the configuration defined in the default scCashRegister object.

NOTE:To create a default scCashRegister object, define the object’s scCashRegisterName attribute as Default.

The scCashRegister objects are stored in the Global container so they can be accessed by all Branch Servers.

Table 6-8 summarizes the posAdmin command options for scCashRegister object attributes.

Table 6-8 Command options for creating scCashRegister objects






The common name of the Point of Service terminal.



The model type of the Point of Service terminal.

If this field is defined as “default,” the current scCashRegister object is used as the default Point of Service configuration. If a Point of Service terminal does not have an scCashRegister object for its specific hardware type, it will use the configuration defined in the default scCashRegister object.

IMPORTANT:Define only one default scCashRegister object in the Global container.



The distinguished name of the default client image defined for this Point of Service terminal type.

NOTE:A specific client image can be defined in the scWorkstation object. The setting in the scWorkstation object overrides the default image defined in the scCashRegister object. For information on this procedure, see Section 6.5.3, Assigning an Image to a Point of Service Terminal.



This Boolean field is set to TRUE if journaling should be enabled. Journaling is only added on disk-based machines.

The following example adds a default scCashRegister object below the global container (type the command all on one line):

posAdmin.pl --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret 
--base  cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us  --add --scCashRegister --cn crtype3 
--scCashRegisterName 1234567 
--scPosImageDn cn=browser,cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us --default

6.4.2 Adding an scConfigFileTemplate Object

scConfigFileTemplate objects are used when you run services, such as the X Window service, that require hardware-dependent configuration files. An scConfigFileTemplate object contains the configuration file data that a Point of Service terminal needs to run a given service.

When you define the scConfigFileTemplate object, you designate a source configuration file (--scConfigFileData). posAdmin extracts the configuration data from the source file and stores it in the scConfigFileTemplate object. When a Point of Service terminal registers with a Branch Server (or when you run posAdmin.pl --updateconfig or posldap2crconfig.pl --dumpall), the Branch Server retrieves the configuration data in the scConfigFileTemplate object to create a configuration file in /tftpboot/CR/MAC_address/ directories on the Branch Server.

Using TFTP, the configuration file is then distributed from the Branch Server to the appropriate Point of Services terminals at boot time.

NOTE:The scCashRegister or scPosImage object under which the scConfigFileTemplate object is created determines which Point of Service terminals receive the configuration file.

If the scConfigFileTemplate object is defined under an scCashRegister object, all terminals that correspond to the type defined in the scCashRegister object receive the configuration file defined in the scConfigFileTemplate object.

If the scConfigFileTemplate object is defined under an scPosImage object, all terminals that load the client image that corresponds to the scPosImage object receive the configuration file defined in the scConfigFileTemplate object.

Table 6-9 summarizes the posAdmin command options for scConfigFileTemplate object attributes.

Table 6-9 Command options for scConfigFileTemplate objects






The common name of the configuration file.



This flag is used to enable or disable the configuration file. Allowed values are TRUE to enable or FALSE to disable the configuration file.



Specifies the path where the configuration file is installed on the Point of Service terminal. For example, /etc/ntp.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config.



Specifies the block size for the TFTP download.



The source path of the configuration file. For example, /tmp/XF86Config.mydata.



A description of the configuration file.



The name of the parserFunction to apply.



The MD5 checksum value of the configuration file.



The update model for synchronizing configuration files. Allowed values are “pulled” and “changed”.

The following example adds a scConfigFileTemplate object below the Hardware Reference object, crtype3 (type the command all on one line):

posAdmin.pl --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret 
--base  cn=crtype3,cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us 
--add --scConfigFileTemplate --cn XF86Config 
--scConfigFile /etc/X11/XF86Config --scBsize 1024 
--scConfigFileData /mydata/XF86Config.1234567

6.4.3 Adding an scConfigFileSyncTemplate Object

scConfigFileSyncTemplate objects are used when you run services, such as the X Window service, that require hardware-dependent configuration files. The scConfigFileSyncTemplate object points to the configuration file that a Point of Service terminal needs to run a given service. This object differs from scConfigFileTemplate objects because the configuration data is not stored in the object; rather, the object points to a configuration file outside the LDAP directory.

When a Point of Service terminal registers with a Branch Server (or when you run posAdmin.pl --updateconfig or posldap2crconfig.pl --dumpall), the Branch Server uses RSYNC to transfer the configuration file designated in the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object from the /opt/SLES/POS/rsync/config/ directory on the Administration Server to /tftpboot/CR/MAC_address/ directories on the Branch Server.

IMPORTANT:Any configuration files referenced in the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object must be located in the /opt/SLES/POS/rsync/config/ directory on the Administration Server.

Using TFTP, the configuration file is then distributed from the Branch Server to the appropriate Point of Service terminals at boot time.

NOTE:The scCashRegister or scPosImage object under which the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object is created determines which Point of Service terminals receive the configuration file.

If the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object is defined under an scCashRegister object, all terminals that correspond to the type defined in the scCashRegister object receive the configuration file designated in the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object.

If the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object is defined under an scPosImage object, all terminals that load the client image that corresponds to the scPosImage object receive the configuration file designated in the scConfigFileSyncTemplate object.

Table 6-10 summarizes the posAdmin command options for scConfigFileSyncTemplate object attributes.

Table 6-10 Command options for scConfigFileSynceTemplate objects






The common name of the configuration file.



This flag is used to enable or disable the configuration file. Allowed values are TRUE to enable or FALSE to disable the configuration file.



Specifies the path where the configuration file is installed on the Point of Service terminal. For example, /etc/ntp.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config.



Specifies the block size for the TFTP download.



The local source path of the configuration file. For example, /opt/SLES/POS/rsync/config/XF86Config.mydata.



A description of the configuration file.



The MD5 checksum value of the configuration file.

The following example adds an scConfigFileSyncTemplate object below the Hardware Reference object, crtype3 (type the command all on one line):

posAdmin.pl --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret 
--base cn=crtype3,cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us  
--add --scConfigFileSyncTemplate --cn XF86Config 
--scConfigFile /etc/X11/XF86Config --scMust TRUE --scBsize 1024 
--scConfigFileLocalPath /opt/SLES/POS/rsync/config/XF86Config.1234567

6.4.4 Adding an scRAMDisk Object

The scRamDisk object stores configuration information for a Point of Service terminal RAM disk. If no hard disk is available, you must configure a RAM disk for the Point of Service terminal.

Table 6-11 summarizes the posAdmin command options forscRamDisk object attributes.

Table 6-11 Command options for scRamDisk objects






The base distinguished name of the Hardware Reference object. For example, cn=crtype3, cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us.



The common name of the device. For example, ram.



The RAM disk device.

IMPORTANT:The device /dev/ram0 cannot be used because it is used for the initial RAM disk. Therefore, we recommend using /dev/ram1.

The RAM device should not be confused with the hard disk device, which uses a partition table.

The following example adds an scRamDisk object below the Hardware Reference object, crtype3 (type the command all on one line):

posAdmin.pl --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret 
--base cn=crtype3,cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us  
--add --scRamDisk --cn ram --scDevice /dev/ram1 

6.4.5 Adding an scHarddisk Object

The scHarddisk object stores configuration information for a Point of Service terminal hard disk.

Table 6-12 summarizes the posAdmin command options for scHarddisk object attributes.

Table 6-12 Command options for scHarddisk objects






The base distinguished name of the Hardware Reference object. For example, cn=crtype3, cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us.



The common name of the device. For example, hda.



The device of the hard disk. For example, /dev/hda.



The size of the hard disk in megabytes.



A semicolon-separated (’;’) list of partition entries. Each entry has four parameters: the size in megabytes, the partition type ID (82 for swap, 83 for a Linux partition), the mount point, and the file system (swap or ext3).

The following example adds an scHarddisk object below the scCashRegister object, crtype3 (type the command all on one line):

posAdmin.pl --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret 
--base  cn=crtype3,cn=global,o=mycorp,c=us  --add --scHarddisk 
--cn hda --scDevice /dev/hda2 --scHdSize 9000 
--scPartitionsTable ’1000 82 swap swap;4000 83 ext3;’