10.3 Modifying the Branch Server Configuration Template (template.xml)

The default Branch Server configuration is defined in the XML template file, /opt/SLES/POS/xml/template.xml. The DTD (document type definition) which defines the template document’s structure is found in /usr/share/YaST2/include/autoinstall/profile.dtd.

NOTE:As with the Image Specification and Distribution Source Documents, this template can be defined in an XML editor or in a standard text editor. However, it is strongly recommended that you modify the document only with the AutoYaST GUI system. The modification procedure described in this section uses the AutoYaST GUI system.

To modify the template.xml document using the AutoYaST system:

  1. Start YaST with the yast2 autoyast command to display the YaST configuration management system (see Figure 10-2).

    Figure 10-2 AutoYaST configuration management system

  2. Select Preferences to set the profile repository to the template file directory (/opt/SLES/POS/xml/).

  3. Click File > Open and select the template file (/opt/SLES/POS/xml/template.xml).

    Modify the sections of the template.

    You can change time zone, add software packages, and change system parameters.

    A menu system similar to the YaST configuration interface allows you to modify specific sections of the template.

  4. After the XML template has been modified with AutoYaST, remove the DOCTYPE entry because it cannot be parsed correctly by the XSLT processor that is used to transform the file.

    To perform this operation, run the following command to clean the template file:

    xmllint --dropdtd template-yast2.xml >template.xml