3.8 Enabling Sharing

Even though you granted sharing rights in the previous section, actually allowing users to share files and folders requires that you enable sharing for the Filr site.

  1. Under System, click Share Settings.

  2. In the User or Group field, start to type all, then select All Internal Users.

    Because the Filr VM was copied, in some cases the system index gets compromised. If the list is empty, do the following:

    1. Under Management, click Search Index.

    2. Select Re-Index Everything, then click OK.

      On most installations, reindexing would take some time. However, because this is such a small installation, the process happens very quickly.

    3. Repeat from Step 1.

  3. Click Re-share Items and Share with the Public, then click OK > OK.

    This sets the maximum sharing rights that can be granted anywhere on the system. Re-sharing and public access are only available if they are actually enabled on the Net Folders.

  4. Under System, click User Access, select Allow Guest access and Guest access is read-only, then click OK.

    The read-only option prevents public (guest) users from logging comments. This is generally a good idea in light of the risk of spam comments. Comments cannot be removed in this version of Filr.

  5. Continue with Allowing the Desktop Application to Be Deployed.