A.6 Installing and Configuring the Filr Appliance

For the hands-on exercises, Filr is installed using a small configuration. This means that Filr, the MySQL database, and the Lucene search server are installed together on the same virtual machine.

A.6.1 Downloading the Filr Files

To download Filr from the Web:

  1. If you don’t already have a Novell account, register for one on the Web.

  2. Access the Novell Downloads Web page.

  3. Do a keyword search for Novell Filr.

  4. In the Results section, click Novell Filr Evaluation.

  5. Click the proceed to download button (upper-right corner of the first table).

  6. If you are prompted to log in, type your Novell Account > username and password, then click login.

  7. Accept the Export Agreement (required for first downloads only), and answer the survey questions about your download (optional).

  8. Print the download page. You need the listed MD5 verification numbers in order to verify your downloads.

  9. Scroll down to the Download Instructions section, then click the Download Instructions link.

  10. Print the Download Instructions page for future reference.

  11. Verify the integrity of each downloaded file by running an MD5-based checksum utility on it and comparing the values against the list that you printed in Step 8.

    For example, on a Linux system you can enter the following command:

    md5sum Filr.x86_64-0.0.version.ovf.zip

    For a Windows system, you need to obtain a Windows-compatible MD5-based checksum utility from the Web and follow its usage instructions.

  12. Continue with Deploying Filr.

A.6.2 Deploying Filr

  1. Download the .zip file to your VMware virtual machine location.

  2. Extract the .zip file until you have a folder containing three files with .mf, .ovf, and .vmdk extensions.

  3. On VMware workstation, open the .ovf file.

    To see the .ovf file listed, you might have to change the filter (by the File name field) to display all image files.

  4. Change the VM name as shown, then click Import.

    Filr is imported.

  5. Click Edit virtual machine settings.

  6. In the Hardware list, select Memory, then reduce the memory allocation to 4 GB.

  7. In the Hardware list, select Hard Disk (SCSI), then click Add > Next.

  8. Click Next > Next > Next > Next > Finish.

    A second 20 GB hard disk is added.

  9. In the Hardware list, click Network Adapter, then select NAT.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Power on this virtual machine.

  12. After the appliance starts, read and Accept the license agreement.

  13. Complete the initial configuration settings, as shown in the screen shot below.

    All administrative passwords are novellfilr. (In the actual dialog, passwords are obfuscated by asterisks (*).)

    IMPORTANT:Ensure that the Time Zone settings match the settings of the OES 11 server that you specified in Step 24.

  14. Click Next.

  15. You created a second hard disk in Step 8, so click Next > Next > Next.

  16. After the initial configuration process completes, you are instructed to open a browser and proceed with the configuration.

  17. Continue with Configuring the Filr Appliance.

A.6.3 Configuring the Filr Appliance

  1. In your management browser, enter the following URL:

  2. Click through the security warnings and accept the certificate if needed.

  3. Log in with Username: vaadmin and Password: novellfilr.

  4. Click the Novell Appliance Configuration icon.

  5. Ensure that Small Deployment is selected, then click Next.

    A Small Deployment has all three Filr services (Filr, Search, and MySQL) running on the same appliance.

  6. Specify and confirm novellfilr as the root user password, then click Next.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. Wait until the appliance restarts, then continue with Adjusting the Java Heap Size.

A.6.4 Adjusting the Java Heap Size

By default the Java Heap Size is set to 4 GB. However, you have reduced the default memory (RAM) allocation for the appliance to 4 GB, so the heap size must also be set lower.

  1. If needed, log in to the appliance management console again ( and click the Novell Appliance Configuration icon.

  2. Click Java JDK.

  3. Change the Java Heap Size to 2g, then click OK.

    As a general rule, the heap size should be about 2 GB less than the total RAM assigned to the virtual appliance.

  4. In the left panel, click Reconfigure Filr Server.

  5. After the appliance reconfigures, continue with Securing LDAP Synchronization between the Filr VA and the OES Server.

A.6.5 Securing LDAP Synchronization between the Filr VA and the OES Server

  1. Generate a root certificate for the eDirectory tree:

    1. In iManager, click the Roles and Tasks icon Roles and Tasks icon.

    2. Click Novell Certificate Server > Configure Certificate Authority.

    3. Click the Certificates tab, then select the check box for the self-signed certificate.

    4. Click the Validate sub-tab, select the check box again, then click the Export sub-tab.

    5. Deselect Export Private Key.

      The Export Format changes to DER.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Click Save the Exported Certificate > OK, then save the file to disk. Change the file name to something that you’ll remember and note the location.

    8. Click Close > OK.

  2. Import the certificate into the Java Keystore:

    1. In the Filr Console, upper-right corner, click the Home link.

    2. Click the Appliance System Configuration icon.

    3. Click the Digital Certificates icon.

    4. Click File > Import > Trusted Certificate.

    5. Browse to the certificate file that you saved in Step 1.g, then click Open.

    6. Click OK > Close.

    7. Click Reboot > OK > OK.

As soon as the Filr appliance restarts, both the OES server and Filr are prepared for the exercises in Section 3.0, Filr Hands-on Administration Exercises.