5.4 Setting Up the Other Hands-on Exercise Folders and Files

5.4.1 Creating Shares and Changing Share Permissions

Table 5-1 lists the rest of the Filr exercise folder names and the users to assign full share permissions.

Table 5-1 Share Permission Assignments

Folder Name

Users to Assign Full Share Permissions


  • ared

  • filrproxyuser


  • ablue

  • filrproxyuser


  • ayellow

  • filrproxyuser


  • ablack

  • filrproxyuser

Create shares and assign share access by doing the following for each folder listed.

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click one of the four folders in Table 5-1, starting with Dev, then click Properties.

  2. Click the Sharing tab, then click Advanced Sharing.

  3. Select the Share this folder option, then click Permissions.

  4. Click Remove to remove access by the Everyone group.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In the Enter the object names to select field, type the users listed in the second column of Table 5-1, separated by a semicolon.

    For example, for the Dev folder, type ared;filrproxyuser, then click Check Names to validate your entries.

  7. Click OK.

  8. With Filr Proxyuser selected, under Permissions for Filr Proxyuser > Full Control, select Allow.

  9. Select the other user and assign it Full Control as well.

  10. Click OK > OK > Close.

  11. Right-click the next folder (skipping Home_Folders), then repeat from Step 1 until all of the folders have been shared and secured.

  12. Continue with Changing the NTFS Permissions.

5.4.2 Changing the NTFS Permissions

Table 5-2 lists the Filr exercise folder names and the users to assign full NTFS permissions.

Table 5-2 NTFS Permission Assignments

Folder Name

Users to Assign Full NTFS Permissions

Filr Exercise Folders










Adjust NTFS permissions to the Filr_Exercise_Folders folder by doing the following:

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click Filr_Exercise_Folders and select Properties.

  2. Click the Security tab, then click Advanced.

  3. Click Change Permissions.

  4. Deselect Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent, then click Add.

  5. In the Permission entries list, select the Users entries, then click Remove.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Type filrproxyuser, then click Check Names.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Allow full control, then click OK > OK > OK > OK.

  10. Double-click Filr-Exercise-Folders.

  11. Right-click the Dev folder listed in the right frame, then select Properties.

  12. Click the Security tab, then click Edit.

  13. Click Add.

  14. Referring to Table 5-2, type the user (object name) to assign full permissions to the directory (ared is for Dev), then click Check Names.

  15. Click OK.

  16. Allow full control, then click OK > OK.

  17. Right-click the next folder name listed in Table 5-2, click Properties, then repeat from Step 12 until full rights have been assigned as indicated in the table.

    When all of the folders have been assigned, continue with Section 6.0, Deploying and Configuring the Filr Appliances.