2.1 Getting and Preparing Filr Software

The process of getting and preparing Filr software is straightforward, as illustrated in Figure 2-1 and explained in the table that follows it.

Figure 2-1 Downloading and Unzipping Novell Appliances



You can download the .zip archive files for the three Novell Filr appliances (Filr, Search, and MySQL) directly from the Novell Download Site, or you can obtain them through your Novell Authorized Reseller.

Unzip the archives to expose a folder that contains the three files needed for deployment. For more information, see Installing the Filr Appliance, Installing the Search Index Appliance, and Installing the MySQL Database Appliance in the Novell Filr 1.0.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.

The .mf file contains an SHA1 digest that VMware uses to verify the integrity of the other two files.

The .ovf file contains the virtual appliance’s configuration settings. You deploy this file in VMware to create the Filr appliance. Its settings get modified during the initial deployment phase.

The .vmdk file is the virtual appliance’s (VA’s) system virtual disk and contains all VA system files. It comes ready for the initial start-up and configuration.

For more information, see Installing the Filr Appliance, Installing the Search Index Appliance, and Installing the MySQL Database Appliance in the Novell Filr 1.0.1 Installation and Configuration Guide.